Fashion 101

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Hello Everyone! My name is Mia. You can find me on Wattpad by searching @aye_its_meme. I will be doing your fashion segment so, without further ado, I present to you, # Fashion 101

## Hot Clothes for the Fall •••••••••••••••••••••••• As summer draws to a close and you start shopping for school clothes, keep these in mind. ### Crop tops

Many women and teens are being seen in crop tops. Crop tops are like a T-shirt but cut off to the belly button. Some have a graphic design such as Hello Kitty or Wonder Women, while others may have a pattern, whether it is a floral pattern or a tribal pattern. Crop tops are very fashionable and help keep you cool while looking cool.•••••••••••••••••••••••••• ### Printed Shorts

Printed shorts are also a fashion statement. You mostly see teens and young adults wearing these. The come in floral, Aztec and many more prints. •••••••••••••••••••••••• ### Infinity Scarves

Infinity scarves are a scarf (duh) that forms a giant circle. You can wear one with almost everything from, a dress, or your favorite pair of shorts and a tank top. •••••••••••••••••••• ## Shoes!

Now, as your typical female, I love shoes. I love sneakers, sandals, heels, flip flops, you name it. But what's big right now is well, all of them! When you walk down the hallway, you see your friends and classmates with all different types of footwear. •••••••••••••••••••••• ## Do's And Don'ts DO- Wear clothes you fit into. DON'T- Try to squeeze into a size 3 when you are clearly not a size 3. DO- Dress for the weather. DON'T- Wear a super short skirt when it is snowing. DO- Dress sexy but appropriately. DON'T-Dress sexy but like someone who should be working the corner.

As it gets cooler outside, keep in mind that you should dress not only to impress, but for the weather.

For more ideas and fashionable clothing, check out the app Wanelo. You can download it on iTunes or the Android Market.

Well that's all for this installment of......

# •Fashion•1•0•1



Teenage Dream Magazine Issue 1 August 2013Where stories live. Discover now