Writing Tips

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Hello Wattpaders! For this article, I will blow your minds with the difference between Who and Whom.

Have you learned the difference between subject and object? The subject is the one doing the action. For example: "He is drinking cookie juice." He would be the subject.

Objects are the things the subjects is doing to. That is called a direct object. An indirect object is what or what received the direct object.

Confusing, isn't it? Here's an example: Hermione gave Ron a potion. Hermione would be the subject. Ron would be the direct object while the potion would be the indirect object.

Here's one more example: During war, the king will give his subjects new weapons. King would be the subject. Subjects would be the direct object while the weapons would be indirect object.

Now for he and him. We will get to who and whom in a minute. What is the direct object and the subject?

He hugged him.

He would be the subject while him would be the direct object. If you got that right, I give you a cookie.

Who and whom are words you would usually use in a question? For example: Who kissed my boyfriend? Who would be the subject. Who will always be the subject.

Whereas who would be the object. For example: He danced with whom? Whom would be your object.

For all of you who are new English speakers, don't worry; you'll get the hang of it. Now, I've got to read the Grapes of Wrath. See you all in another life.

Just italicized all the subjects and the object :)

Teenage Dream Magazine Issue 1 August 2013Where stories live. Discover now