Author Of The Month

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The author of the month for August is heystoran. heystoran first joined Wattpad on April 9, 2012. Over the last year and four months she has gained hundreds of followers and thousands of votes. She has two completed stories so far, Forever and Always ~ Niam Horayne Love Story and One Direction One Shots. Along with her two completed stories she also has four stories she's writing consisting of Room 'Mates' (Narry/BoyXBoy), Lose Control (One Direction), Narry Storan One Shots, and Guardian Angel (Narry). The authors hundreds of followers, and thousands of reads are no surprise considering the amazing talent heystoran has. I myself was lucky enough to be able to interview the fantastic writer and here's what she said.

Q: Hello love! :) How are you today?

A: Eh, could be better. Thanks for asking :)

Q: What made you start writing?

A: Well, the first slash fic I ever read was a Peeta/Gale Hunger Games fic, and I really liked it. I started liking One Direction as well and it slowly progressed until I started shipping Niam. So I found this Niam story on Wattpad and made an account to keep up with it. Then I just had all these ideas for stories and I began!

Q: How did you come up with the idea for your first story?

A: I was inspired from my first 1D slash story and what was currently going on in my life.

Q: Any inspirations?

A: My biggest inspirations here on Wattpad are TheWayYouLookTonight, zaynsmybloke and LarryAndZiall. They're all super nice and lovely writers. I especially love LarryAndZiall because of her inspirig story.

Q: Is there a story behind your username? Why did you choose it?

A: Haha, yes! Storan is the last name of the ship Narry which is my OTP. I think heystoran just looks nice on a screen!

Q: What is writing to you?

A: Writing is like art, except you use words to create every little emotion and the depth of life. When I read I'm so intrigued by whatever words the author chooses to describe a setting. I like to relate experiences in stories I read with experiences I have in real life.

Q: How do you deal with writer's block?

A: Honestly, I'll just read other stories or go to a list I made of a bunch of scenarios I like of Harry and Niall. I listen to music, walk around the house or the neighborhood. Something as small as the weather can spark an idea for me.

Q: Do you write anything other than stories? (Poems, Songs, etc.)

A: I do write songs and poems. I like to sing and write songs especially. Other than that, not really.

Q: How often do you write?

A: On Wattpad, my fans know that I'm slow with updates. But it's because I'm just going through some stuff right now. So I post semi-often, but write down ideas at least a couple times a day.

Q: Any advice for other writers?

A: This might be a weird piece of advice but it definitely helps me write out detail. Whenever I'm alone I just kind of close my eyes and take in what I feel; weather/temperature, state of being, how the setting makes me feel, what I feel with my hands, how I'm positioned. Then I open my eyes and just scatter my eyes across the location. It's a bit odd but it helps me pick up on every detail. Also, never stop writing and never give up with your stories. If you're in the middle of a story and you think it's bad, keep going because it helps you realize what you need to fix. I look back at my old work and say "What the hell was I thinking?"

Teenage Dream Magazine Issue 1 August 2013Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora