How You Met

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This is how you met:

Aleks - He was one of the only non-creepy guys at the gym.

James - Bumped into each other's carts whilst late night grocery shopping.

Seamus - You were the only two in the doctor's waiting area.

Kevin - He was in the anime section of your favourite nerd-store.

Dex - He bought you a drink at a bar because he witnessed your friend leave you there.

Eddie - He asked to take a picture of your cosplay at a gaming convention.

Jordan - He was buying cat food, you were buying cat food...

Joe - He sat next to you on a park bench because he thought you looked lonely.

Dan - You were sitting in the movie theatre for twenty minutes before the film started as you both read the times wrong.

Spencer - You were at a concert when he tapped you on the shoulder.

Stefani - She was looking for a new t-shirt at one of your favourite clothing stores.

Steven - You were waiting for your friend to come out of their lecture hall, they didn't. Instead you got Ze.


I'll probably attach pictures to each of these. They might be from Instagram, We Heart It, Twitter or maybe even Whisper. Found this little gem and automatically hearted it. Completely true, thanks Intern Joe.

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