Your First Kiss

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This was your first kiss:

Aleks - It was raining and he insisted that he walked you home. He did that cliché kiss.

James - You were having a video game and chill date when he started to rage. You calmed him down with a kiss.

Seamus - His throat was sore so he couldn't speak very loud. He kissed you because you couldn't hear his feelings.

Kevin - He wouldn't leave his apartment because he felt depressed. You wanted to see his smile again.

Dex - He rode the cab home with you because he didn't trust the taxi driver to be kind. You kissed him before you got out.

Eddie - You were both playing with Chef when he leaned over.

Jordan - He kissed you on the nose but it wasn't enough, you kissed him on the lips.

Joe - He pulled you close because he was so excited to see you. It was accidental but good all the same.

Dan - He was tired after editing for so long so you did what you could to cheer him up.

Spencer - He memorised a song and played it for you, you kissed him out of joyfulness.

Stefani - She was on her way out the door when she quickly turned and kissed you.

Ze - He had a little ice cream on the corner of his mouth so you helped clean it off.

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