You Took...

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(S)He let you take...

Aleks - One of his prized V-necks.

James - His broken headphones. Unusable but a keepsake all the same.

Seamus - His old purple Twitch hoodie.

Kevin - His hair gel. You like his hair better natural.

Dex - His denim blazer. You made fun of him for having it but secretly love it.

Eddie - A hoodie. It's oversized on you but you love it anyway.

Jordan - His St. Cardinals cap. He says it suits you.

Joe - His big fluffy coat. He let you take it because you said you were cold.

Dan - One of his many Batman figures. It a nice reminder of your relationship.

Spencer - The single plectrum he tried to teach you guitar with.

Stefani - You practically just share your wardrobes anyway.

Ze - His viking beanie. It's too cute on both him and you.

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