1 final a/n

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Oh my god! Again! We hit 2000 reads! You guys continue to amaze me. Thank you guys so much.

I honestly thought that this would be another one of those books that I would do a couple chapters and then forget about (don't feel afraid to bug me for more chapters, I don't get offended easily at all) but it's actually my biggest work yet. Thank you. It's means more than you know.

I am going to take this as a sign to quit whilst I'm ahead, as the saying goes. Now that the Creatures are all split apart, I don't think it makes as much sense as to group them all together anymore and I find myself, whilst I still love each one, drifting apart from the hub. I'm much more into Cow Chop, Dex and Sly (if I'm able to catch his streams) right now.

Sly and Seamus will always be Creatures to me, but now that all of the guys that I associated them with most (James, Aleks, Kevin) have left I don't really put them there anymore. And I feel as if Dex (definitely) and Kevin (possibly) didn't enjoy the majority of their time in the group and I don't really want to put them with the hub anymore. Then James, Aleks, etc are part of their own group now so I don't really put them as Creatures anymore either.

That little rant thing probably doesn't at all make sense but I'm ending this book here. Hope you guys all enjoyed it whilst it lasted. If you want more of my stuff be sure to look at my one shots book.

-See yas, Petals

Creature PreferencesOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora