You Hang Out

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You hang out:

Aleks - Three or four times a week. You both have work to do but sometimes he'll pull some strings to be with you.

James - As much as he's able. He has a time consuming job but as soon as he takes a break from recording or editing he's with you.

Seamus - Practically everyday. You get worried about his health so you stay close by.

Kevin - Everyday. If you don't get to see each other in person you text, call or Skype whenever you get home.

Dex - A couple times a week. You'll hang out but both agree that you don't need to talk at every moment to have a functional relationship.

Eddie - All week. You'll help him with videos and streams if he doesn't have any free time.

Jordan - Not all that often but you cherish the moments you're both able to meet up dearly.

Joe - Always. Neither of you are obsessive but to outsiders it may look that way.

Dan - A lot. A movie marathon or a call whilst he's on break, you love the time you spend together.

Spencer - About four times a week. But of course, there are those times where you can't be apart for longer than an hour.

Stefani - On her days off. Sometimes you think her work comes first but deep down you know she'd drop everything for you.

Ze - As soon as possible. He's busy with school and his job but he always seems to make time to relax with you.

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