When You Fight

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When you fight and (s)he's in the wrong:

Aleks - He'll give you your space to breathe. He sets up a date during this time.

James - He'll apologise.

Seamus - He'll try his best to calm you and make you feel better.

Kevin - He'll make you feel bad so you're forced to make up.

Dex - He'll leave the house for a few hours so he can clear his head. He'll come back with a single rose each time.

Eddie - That night he'll sing you to sleep.

Jordan - He'll feel tremendously guilty so he'll do exactly what you tell him to for the rest of the day.

Joe - He'll hug you so you're forced to hug back and tell you he loves you.

Dan - He'll be careful with the things he says and buy you your favourite takeaway for dinner.

Spencer - He'll play you your song.

Stefani - She'll shower you with kisses and apologies until you feel better.

Ze - He'll tell you everything he loves about you no matter what you say.

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