Chapter 1

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~3rd POV~

Everyone was just standing there waiting for an answer.

What felt like forever was really only a few moments but for Rob and having asked that very important question, he was hoping he wasn't waiting for a hesitant answer. He was hoping Kay would just say yes since he's been subtly mentioning marriage for the last year now.

Kay on the otherhand was just nervous because though things have been going great for the last few years, she was scared he would leave her and Andy. She was terrified that they may have to end up in a divorce years later and that their happy family would split up. Especially after the events that happened just a few days ago. But she remembered the one advice that Sabrina gave to her and just smiled at the love of her life.

"Yes! Of course yes!" She smiled before Rob slipped the ring onto her finger and engulfed her into a huge hug as she just smiled and buried her face in the crook of his neck. 

Everyone around them cheered and congratulated them before Lumiere and Belle also congratulated them. On the way out, the couple continued to get congratulated and a smile left their faces. Tom, Bree, Julian, Ryan and Alex all saw how happy the two were from just being engaged. It was like just this simple small action of love brought a whole new happiness to them. And especially for Tom he was happy to see his little girl beginning to make her life settled with the guy of her dreams.

The group of ten continued with their day at the Magic Kingdom. The three boys continued meeting many characters and getting their signatures. The smiles on their faces really made the parents smile even brighter because just seeing your child with the biggest smile they could get on their face really meant a lot to them and couldn't be much happier. It wasn't long until the end of the day came.

The parade just ended and the ten of them were heading back to the car after taking a long time to get to the main entrance, where they first arrived. When they got to the two cars, Alex offered to go with Julian and the three boys (considering he was the stronger one out of him and Ry) while Ry went with the two set of parents. It wasn't until they were halfway home when Kay realized something she should have realized earlier.

"Wait....when did you get my dad's blessing?" She asked to her, now, fiance.

"The first day we arrived here. When you and Bree were in the other car and Jules, your dad and I were in this car."

"Hold up," she said before leaning forward in the front seat and turning her head to her father who was driving. "You gave him your blessing that quickly? Is this a prank? Am I not really engaged?"

Tom chuckled before taking a quick glance at his newly engaged daughter then focusing back on the road. "No sweetie you are engaged. We spoke and you know I trust him. We both know he has done stupid things but at the same time you guys have literally known each other for almost eight years now. In the past eight years I have seen growth in you and him both and yeah I am terrified to let you go, especially to him out of all people but we all aren't getting any younger so I gave it to him knowing that he will only take further care of you. No more harming you or he knows I will personally kill him and make sure there is no traces of evidence."

"I'm still confused on all of this happening. I know for sure you just came up on the spot with half of what you said. But what did you say to him to convince him?"

"Nothing really big. I just explained how I know I have hurt you and I can't lose you ever again." Rob said telling part of the truth. Well what he said was the truth just not the complete whole truth. Rob knew him and Tom were both sitting there thinking back to just a few days ago.

After ten minutes of driving down the road, Rob finally got the nerve up to say what was on his mind. Tom and Julian could tell something was bothering the younger lad but had no clue what it was. Tom would occassionally look in the rear view mirror at Julian who would just shrug in response and give him the same worried-curious look.

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