Chapter 3

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*Rob's POV*

"So why are you going behind her back?" Julian asked confused.

Now before you ask, yes I am technically lying to Kay. But this is for good and not bad. I can't exactly say what I am lying about, or rather keeping from her, because it is a big surprise and a surprise for everyone.

Julian only knows because I know if I told Tom then he would go tell Kay since they can never keep anything from one another. I learned that the hard way many many years ago. Then I couldn't tell her brother, meaning Alex, or her friends because they talk too much and it would somehow get back to her. My own family doesn't even know about this. So that's how big this surprise is that basically only Julian can know, cause he can keep his mouth shut.

"Because I want this to be a big surprise to her. She deserves this for all that she has been dealing with. I mean she's been taking care of our sons, which I know she is the mother so technically it's her responsiblity, but at the same time she's like taking extra care because we aren't around that much to help her. And with Andy starting school soon then I won't be able to help drop him off or even pick him up. And I just want to give her something so she doesn't have another thing on her plate considering it is practically overflowing."

"So how do you think this will go about? Like do you have any idea how to plan this?"

"Well no but that's why I have an event planner to help us with this all."

"Can you remind me again why I am here?"

"One, you won't go telling Kay about this. Two, you may know some things that I don't about her that could help us."

"What could I possibly know that you don't? She's told you practically everything now."

"Practically? What hasn't she told me yet?"

"More like what she hasn't told us. She's been acting secretive plus Daniel told me how her, Luke, Andy and him have a big surprise for the family. So yeah she is keeping something from us."

"I wonder what it could be."

"Who knows. With her it could be absolutely anything."

"Good point. But anyways I have an event planner who will be visiting us next week, so I need you to be free."




"Cause I need you there. Plus if I plan for you to be the bestman, rather one of my bestmen, at the wedding then you'd be a great best friend and bestman and do this for me. It's not even bad. Just a couple hours."

"How are we going to keep Kay distracted though?"

"Easy. The kids."

"Alright I'm in then."


"Anything else we need to go over?"

"Yeah. Isn't Tom's birthday coming up?"

"In a few days, why?"

"We should do something for him."

"I'm pretty sure his wife has something planned."

"I'm not talking about with everyone. I mean like you, me, him and then our boys. We can go to a park or something you know. It doesn't have to be on his actually birthday just sometime around the day."

"That doesn't sound too bad. It could be a nice way to get any fatherly advice we need from him too."

"Exactly." I said before silence came over us. Staring at the T.V. suddenly a thought came to mind and I turned my attention back to Jules. "Hey, I got a question."

Obstacles To Happiness [Sequel To ITL (R.G)]Where stories live. Discover now