Chapter 5

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"But why not?!"

"'Cause I said so. Now go get packed so we can go visit grandpa."

"I don't wanna go though! I'm going to miss the big sleepover, mom."

"I'm sorry sweetie but he needs us right now. So go upstairs and start packing. I'll be right there to help you. Right after I finish this paper up."

"Now you know you shouldn't be always working on that laptop, right?" A voice said causing me to turn around right when my young one ran up to my dad and hugged him.


"Hey!" He smiled picking up the only joy he had left currently in his life. "What's this I hear about a sleepover?"

"Well Jordan is having this big sleepover with other kids from our class but mommy won't let me go. Instead she wants me to go pack my bags in order to visit you."

"Well since I'm here, I say we should go pack your bags for that sleepover."

"Not uh. Not so fast there. I'm the parent and I choose whether you can go or not," I said to my pouting four year old.

"Can't I go mommy? Please?"

"Using your puppy eyes won't work this time."


"Your mom is right kiddo. She makes the rules when in this house. And I don't want to make mommy upset."


"No buts. Go on upstairs and pack your bag." I said pointing towards the steps before hearing small footsteps going up them.

"You know, you can't always keep saying no."

"Says who?"

"Princess you're going to have to let go at some point. Maci is growing up and you can't keep her back."

"I know dad it's just-"

"-once she's grown up there's no going back in time. Trust me. I know that but you'll make tons of memories with her as she grows. Plus this is the weekend before Christmas. Let the girl enjoy a couple days with her friends who she won't see all break most likely."

Sighing, I knew my dad was right. I hated when he was right, which was often, but just I know out of anyone, it'd be him I should listen to. Shutting my laptop, I got out my chair and went towards the bottom of the steps.

"Maci! Come here for a second sweetie." I called before looking towards my dad while waiting for her. He just nodded in encouragement which caused me to sigh again, but a smaller one this time.

"Yes mommy?"

"You can go to Jordan's sleepover."


"Really." I smiled as she jumped up and down before running down the steps and hugged me tightly in her small arms.

"Thank you."

"Your welcome but if you want to go, you may want to get your bag ready." 

She smiled up at me before happily skipping up the stairs to her bedroom and packing her bag. 

"You did the right thing Olivia."

"I know. It's just hard."

"And it only gets harder from here," he said causing me to roll my eyes with a slight chuckle but nonetheless give him a hug. 

"Thank you dad."

"For what?"

"Coming here instead of us going to you."

Obstacles To Happiness [Sequel To ITL (R.G)]Where stories live. Discover now