Chapter 4

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Have you ever had someone you love and they were going through such a rough time but you had no clue how you could help and it just tore you apart? There was absolutely nothing you could do to help them. 

The most you could do was just hold them and tell them everything would be okay. Wipe away their tears when they were at their weakest point. Try to distract their mind from the pain. But no matter what their thoughts just kept going back to what's hurting them and you just feel so useless?

That's how I felt right now.

Kay was still asleep but knowing that there was little I could do to help her was killing me inside. The worse part is she doesn't even know what is causing her to have these nightmares. She's explained a few nightmares to me before but they weren't as bad as they are now, when she can barely sleep through even three hours. Seeing how torn she was, and still is, just makes me so mad that some nights before I come home I literally go to a gym to let my entire anger out cause I don't want to snap at her nor Andy, when it was neither of their faults.

Before you go saying it was Kay's fault, it's not. She may be the one having the nightmares but she isn't the one causing them to herself. Just something seems off with this and I just feel like Tom knows what is causing this though not telling us anything.

I only say this because everyone know how Tom is with Kay. It's no surprise the lengths he would go through for her. So for him to not be even the tiniest concerned with her having nightmares, and them gradually getting worse, just pops up as a red flag to me. But I'm going to keep this to myself for now until I can ask him about it in private.

About an hour and a half later, Kay begun waking up. She would slowly stir in her sleep then cling tighter onto me before slowly letting go and stirring more. Eventually, she would turn on her opposite side, pull the blankets up then return to the previous side and slowly open her eyes with a cute little yawn. And me? I would just be watching her with a small smile just feeling absolutely lucky to have such an amazing girl in my life.

We have both made mistakes but at the end of the day, we are meant to be. And I think that is pretty obvious to everyone by now. 

"Rob?" She asked tiredly as I nodded my head and pushed back a few strands of her brown locks again.

"Right here beautiful."

"I'm sorry," she whispered.

And me being confused, I asked, "what for?"

"Making you miss practice."

"It's fine. I rather be here with you and making sure you are okay then being a couple hours away and something happened to you."

"All I've done is sleep?"

"That may be true but, with my luck we both know something could have happened."

"I guess," she said with a small shrug as I chuckled lightly.

"Hey, do you want to head down to the beach?"

"Is it even warm enough to go down?"

"Of course! It's August Kay, let's go while we can before fall weather hits us."

"'M still sleepy though."

"Guess I'll just have to carry you." And before she could respond, I got out of bed then picked her up, with one arm under the back of her knees and the other near the mid-section/top of her back. Carrying her into the bathroom, she clung onto me and it was pretty adorable seeing my koala coming out her shell again.

Sitting her down, I kissed the top of her head then knelt infront of her. "I'm going to get dressed then make you something to eat. Need anything just scream, okay?"

Obstacles To Happiness [Sequel To ITL (R.G)]Where stories live. Discover now