Chapter 7

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"I'm Margie! Queen of Margada and soon the ultimate Queen of Wonderland! Bow!"

Susan flinched and did as she was told. Quickly, she was annoyed by the Queen's behavior.

"Come," said Queen Margie. "You are requested at King Henry's kingdom. That is an order."

At the front of the Queen's Carriage sat a man in a tuxedo and dark shady glasses who immediately jumped of his seat to help the Queen inside.

"Meow" he cooed, kissing the Queen's hand and whispering into her ear, "Hot."

Queen Margie let out a tiny shriek of delight and walked into the carriage, turning to watch Susan come in too.

The driver didn't say anything to Susan nor help her in but calmly watched her in an expressionless mood.

"Oh, Susan! I'm so sorry about the driver! He can get so distracted!" giggled Queen Margie.

Then Queen Margie looked her up and down, squinting her face in ridicule while she did so.

"I'm sure he didn't mean it!" laughed Queen Margie and Susan only glared back at her, wondering what game she was playing.

They rode to a big red castle.

The ride was long and so continuous that Susan struggled to stay awake.

"You must be on your best behavior" was a voice that floated through Susan's mind.

"If you don't, they could kill you!" exclaimed the voice.

"Bernard! You must come to the party tonight!" exclaimed Queen Margie.

He looked back at her with batting eyes.

"I'm sure your majesty will be looking as fine as ever but I would more look forward to seeing you after the party" he hummed.

Queen Margie jumped in her seat excitingly while Bernard tried to ignore it.

Susan had always had trouble facing her fears.

She first remembered the Middle School end-of-the-year party they had all went to and how there was a very tall diving board that all the boys were jumping off, including Henry.

Susan was in a bikini and feared her suit would come off.

After the longest time and when lunch came around, Susan finally had gotten the nerve to jump off the diving board.

The top of her bikini did come off and she spent 15 seconds under the water after she jumped to put it back on, daydreaming the rest of the day of how she could have prevented it.

Fear always lurked in the dark caves of her mind, preventing her from talking to Henry when she could have.

Fear was what Margie used to boss Taylor and Susan around in Middle School.

She had to face fear and she knew that was what the dream was meant for.

This was all just a dream, wasn't it?

Susan wanted ever so badly to wake up!

"Conscious, one must be calm in these situations. If we aren't calm, then what do we have?" asked Susan to her conscious.

"Calm? Do you remember falling down that hole?" asked her conscious frustrated.

They arrived a huge red castle that resembled an NYC skyscraper and Susan decided to stop talking to her conscious.

"Bernard! You make me so nervous!" sighed Margie, flapping her fan in front of her face.

"Your majesty, I am at your service at any time needed. Whatever service needed," he replied.

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