Chapter 10

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"We will now go to The Hatter's House!" said Alice, galloping up to her.

"He's mad!" exclaimed Susan. "Also, where the hell have you been? I had the strangest dream, that I was in the story of someone else's tale."

"Never you mind!" exclaimed Alice. "Dreams are only that, fairytales we tell ourselves. Did you think you would go to Wonderland and not have any fun with all this battle drama? Not on my watch!"

The two girls came out to an opening in the woods with a long table and strange characters sitting there upon which Susan was mystified.

Sandy wore bunny ears, Clark wore mouse ears and there was the hatter who looked like her brother John.

Even more surprising and unusual to any Alice story or fan fiction was Lewis Caroll showing up himself and of course a dodo bird too.

They all sat down at the table.

"Alice it's been a long time. How goes your mother?" asked Lewis.

Alice glanced up at him and all the warmth left her face.

"She's dead."

Sandy started crying at this and threw a tea cup at Alice, which she dodged respectfully.

"My dear god, how far in the future are we?" asked Lewis.

"Er Lewis, let me introduce my great-grand daughter Susan."

"Dear God!" replied Lewis rubbing away the crease on his forehead. "I'm stuck in perpetual tea time!"

"I'm sorry I didn't live to meet you in real life. My dear girl, nothing ever changes. Matter and Energy are always needed in new and ever-changing places. Just like you!" said Alice to Susan.

"May us cheer to the battle ahead and that Susan will rescue us all!" cried the Mad Hatter.

The breeze moved silently through the trees. It played around leaves, twists, and knobs like a mysterious group of faeries.

It then blew across the field and there was a chill in the air that swept at the feet of those sitting at the table.

One silent blond girl of blue eyes and a blue dress, a brunette lady in bright green and a man robed in purple walked from the forest.

The man, Justin, whispered something into Alice's ear and she perked up.

Alice was charmed by his manners.

"Come, Susan, we have politics to attend to! Meet Queen Taylor, Queen Caroline, and King Justin."

The mysterious group of people had a variety of expressions on their faces.

The one in blue had a smug expression that made her look displeased even if she was happy.

The lady in green had a very headstrong expression, holding her chin high and looking around at everyone else as if they were surprised to see Superman.

The man in purple wore a similar expression but looked more humored than the lady in green.

The lady in blue had blue eyes that matched a blue pond.

She had dirty blond hair and her eyebrows were prominent but they didn't take away from her face.

Her chin wasn't strong but the shoulders she owned were so aback that she looked prettier.

Her hair barely reached the confines of her shoulders.

She wore a necklace that she kept hidden within her shirt and Susan recognized this lady as Taylor, more grown looking than she was in real life; just like the Axis powers, she had met.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 02 ⏰

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