A Group

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As the moon started to rise Kagome looked at her badly scraped hands and cried, hiding in her shed.
I'll go out tomorrow morning, look for a group, and try to find supplies. Kagome thought before she drifted off to sleep.
She awoke to Biters banging on her door. She couldn't believe that this had started only four months ago, it seemed like years.
Why did I have to lose everything? She thought. I have nothing, nobody. Kagome got up and grabbed a small knife. She opened the door and Killed the Biter. There was only one, good. Kagome only knew hot to fight off one at a time. She left the shed and headed into the woods.
Suddenly, someone grabbed her from behind and put chloroform to her mouth. She became unconscious.
"Hey, I think she's waking up!" She heard a young voice say.
Kagome heard many footsteps and woke up to many people looking at her.
She gasped and crawled backwards into a wall.
"It's okay, Miss. We won't hurt you." A boy with the same child voice and one arm said.
She pressed hard against the wall.
A girl about my age walked over to me. "It's okay. You're safe here." She said.
Kagome began to relax until she saw a large hanyou walk into the room, looking prepared for battle.
"I'm going on a supply run, anyone in?" He asked in a tough sounding voice. He then noticed Kagome sitting on the floor against the wall. "Oh, she's awake? She doesn't have any bites or scratches, right?"
"No, she doesn't, we checked." The young boy replied.
"Okay then, she can stay. I'll test her skills when I get back, but for now, who's coming on the supply run?" He said.
Two men and a woman raised their hands and shortly after, they all left.
"Wh-Who was that?" Kagome asked quietly.
"That was Inuyasha. He's the leader of our group and the one who leads all of the supply runs." The girl replied. "I'm Sango and this is Shippo." Sango said pointing towards the boy with one arm.
"How did he lose his arm?" Kagome asked.
"He was bitten, so we cut his arm off before it spread. He's really lucky he's alive. The others who left are Miroku, Koga, and Kikyo. The ones here are Ginta, Hakkaku, Kohaku, Rin, Sesshomaru, Jaken, Myoga, Kaede, Hachiemon, and Ayame." Sango listed everyone in the room.
"That's a lot of people..." Kagome says.
"I know it's a lot to take in, but trust me, you're safe here. The only reason we're here is because we were saved by Inuyasha. That's why he's the leader." She said back.
"C-can you show me around a bit?" Kagome asked.
"Sure. Come with me." Sango said, getting up quickly.

-To Be Continued...

I will only continue this series if people like it. Please comment if you think I should continue.
Also, if you're wondering, characters will die! This is the apocalyspse and not everyone survives.

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