Setting Up Camp

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Kagome's POV:
As we walked through the nearby forest, we saw that there were many zombies coming our way.
Though I was in the middle, I saw that they were coming from all directions.

Inuyasha's POV:
It was my fault... I think. You let her die...
"Inuyasha!" Someone yelled, snapping my attention back to reality.
I looked around and saw Biters everywhere! I pulled out my knife.
"Prepare to fight!" I yell to everyone in the group.
They all pull out their weapons and put their backs together while I fought some off.
They started to fight as well.
"Head towards the bridge on the other side of the forest! We'll meet there!" I yelled as I fought my way through the forest.

Kagome's POV:
I went through the forest and found Inuyasha trying to fight off fourteen zombies at once.
I shot some of the ones behind him, surprising him.
He runs over to me quickly. "Nice shot."
"Thanks." I replied.
"Follow me, we gotta get to the bridge before everyone else to make sure we can cross.." Inuyasha said.
"So you didn't even know if it was safe?!" I yell.
"Not really." He said, rubbing the back of his neck.
We run to the bridge and see three zombies around the entrance.
"You get the one over by the rock with your knife. I'll get the other two." He instructed.
I nodded and headed towards the zombie. It was an easy kill because it didn't see me.
After I killed it, Inuyasha got close to the last two zombies and made a loud whistling sound. The whistle made them turn around. He quickly killed the two.
"We have to wait for the others now." I said.
"Alright, but remember, not everyone will always make it out alive.." He replied.
"I know..." I sighed.
"So what's your story?" He asked.
"Huh?" I broke my stare.
"What happened to you?" He asked.
"The first days of the apocalypse... My family was killed by bandits that stole our supplies. My brother and I got out, but... We were seperated... I don't know if he's dead or alive..." I said, holding back my tears.
"I know how you feel. I've lost more people than I can count.." Inuyasha said with his head down.
"Like.. Alia..?" I asked.
"Yeah.. Like her..." He replied.
Suddenly, the bushes rustled and Inuyasha pulled his gun out quickly, aiming at the bushes.
Kikyo, Shippo, Sango, and Miroku jump out.
"Guys!" I said.
They all looked relieved to see us.
Soon after they came, more emerged from the bushes.
Kaede, Myoga, Hachiemon, Sesshomaru, Jaken, Rin, and Koga.
"Where's Ayame?" Sango asked.
Koga sighed with sadness as his head hung low. "She's gone." He said.
"We'll set up camp on the bridge. Kikyo, Miroku, you think you can help me clear the bridge?" He said.
"Yep." Miroku said.
Kikyo just nodded in response.
They got on the bridge and gunshots were heard. There must've been some zombies there.
A bit later they said it was clear and wanted us to get to the middle. Inuyasha used ropes to tie off the entrance of the bridge so that zombies couldn't get to us. He did that to the end as well.
We set up tents and rested.
It got dark very soon and it also got really cold.
I shivered and sighed.
At least I have protection and friends here, but I don't think Inuyasha was paying attention before we got here. He almost got bit...
I drifted off to sleep.

-To Be Continued...

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