What Are Supply Runs Like?

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Kagome's POV:
After Sango and I comforted each other, we eventually stopped crying. Inuyasha had walked out of his room and grabbed a heavy-duty gun.
"We're running low on food and water. I'm going to look for a new place to find our recources, who's in?" Inuyasha asked.
He seems so calm on the outside... I thought.
I raised my hand. "I'll go." I said.
"Alright. Anyone else? No? Okay, let's go. Grab a weapon." He says.
Nobody dared to speak after what had happened only moments ago.
We left and I followed behind as we headed towards a large store. We walked up to the store and went inside.
"Follow me." Inuyasha whispered as he gave a hand signal.
I followed and we walked to the canned goods section. We saw a lot of available cans.
"Aha!" Inuyasha said quietly, taking his bag off his back and loading cans in. "Cover me. You know how to shoot a gun right?"
I nodded.
What am I saying? I can't shoot a gun!
I saw some zombies coming our way. I pulled the gun out and aimed. The zombies got really close before I tried to shoot, but to my surprise, no bullet was fired.
"It didn't work!" I yell.
Inuyasha pulls out his gun and shoots, killing them. "That's because the safety's on, genius."
"Safety?" I ask.
He grabs my gun and takes it off of safety mode. "There." He went back to work, but seemed rushed. "Biters will be here soon, they would've heard the shot. We have to work quickly."
I take my bag off my shoulders and start loading items as well. We grabbed things that were sealed and didn't have to be refrigerated.
Inuyasha put his bag back over his shoulders and stood up. "We gotta go.." He said.
I get up and try to put my bag on my shoulders, but it was too heavy. Inuyasha grabbed my bag and pulled it over his shoulder with ease. "Let's go!" He said.
I get up and hold my gun out, seeing several thousand zombies coming our way. Inuyasha and I quickly run back to base, but halfway there, we are surrounded. Inuyasha shoots them and kills them with single headshots. I tried to shoot one myself, but I missed and fell backwards from the impact. A zombie got on top of me, but was soon shot and killed. Inuyasha pulled me onto my feet and dragged me back to base.
When we came back, everyone was surprised by our haul.
"You guys outdid yourselves on this run." Ayame jokes.
"Hey, Kikyo. Why don't you take a look at her, she fell back pretty hard.." Inuyasha asks.
Kikyo nods and leads me to the room where the medics work while Inuyasha restocked the food shelves.
Kikyo told me that I had some pretty bad scrapes on my back from the fall, but that I would be okay otherwise.
I sat down next to Sango and we talked for a bit before she went to ask Miroku something.
Inuyasha walked out of the supply room and came into the main room.
"I need to call a meeting. Everyone listen, this is important. We have to move away from our current base soon due to the lack of supplies at our nearby stores and houses. Almost everything has been picked clean. So tomorrow, we need to go on a final supply run and pack everything we have. We'll leave the next day." He says.
"What?!" Koga yells.
"Are you insane?!" Hachiemon exclaims.
"We can't move that many people at once when we don't even know where we're going!" Miroku shouts.
"Listen, I know this is risky, but if we run out of supplies we'll all die! We can't just wait around until we do!" Inuyasha argues.
"But it's too dangerous!" Myoga yells.
"Inuyasha, ye cannot be thinking of success through this?" Kaede asks.
"We'll have a better chance if we move." He says.
"I agree. We'll die if we stay." Sesshomaru says.
"I agree too. It's for the best." Kohaku says.
"Kohaku!" Sango says to him.
"Let's take a vote. Who thinks we should stay?" Inuyasha asked.
Koga, Ayame, Ginta, and Hakkaku raised their hands.
"Now who thinks we should go?" He continued.
Everyone else raised their hands.
"It's for the best.." Miroku whispered.
"Then it's settled, we're leaving." Inuyasha said.
Koga growled. "I'm not going anywhere. You guys are insane..."
"Everyone get some rest. We start tomorrow." Inuyasha said as he walked into his room.

-To Be Continued...

I'm going to stop with the "comment for more" thing and try to update every day. Thanks!

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