Chapter 1: Collapse

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Francine waved goodbye to her girl friend, Alice, as she headed towards her car. She was dropping Alice off after their date. But Francine suddenly stopped when she heard a huge crack and a scream come from behind her. She whipped around to see that Alice's roof had caved in due to all the snow they had been getting recently. Francine quickly took off, running to what used to be the entrance of the house.

"Alice!" She called out, hoping for a reply. She heard a muffled yell from inside the wreckage.Moving around some of the pieces, Francine found her, luckily unharmed. She heard a creak and saw the support, keeping the wreckage from crashing down was cracking. She quickly grabbed Alice's hand and pulled her out of the way just in time. Both hearts' were racing as the wreckage hit them, Francine attempting to shield the smaller girl.Once they were safe they both looked up.

"Alice, are you okay?" Francine asked.

"Y-yeah. Thank you," Alice replied, "Ugh! But where am I gonna live while this is fixed!"

As the two got up Francine smiled.

"You  can come stay with me!"

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