Chapter 2: The Storm Hits

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Francine opened the door, motioning for Alice to come in. She set down a bag of the clothes that she had managed to grab from the rumble as she took her shoes off.

"I'm redoing the guest room so I hope you don't mind sharing a room dear," Francine said and Alice blushed.

"Not at all!"

Soon the two were cuddled up watching movies on the couch, Alice resting her head on Francine, asleep. They were both shocked when suddenly a news announcement came on.

"We interrupt this program to bring you breaking news-"

"Huh? What is it?" Alice asks groggily. Francine past her head.

"Nothing dear, just a news alert for the big blizzard that hit a while ago," Francine replies.

But then all the lights turn off.

"Bloody hell!?"

"Ugh, The power went out...." Francine grumbled, "The storm must have caused some problem. Well there goes are romantic movie marathon."

"Yeah, too bad," Alice yawned.

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