Chapter 7: Letters Part 2

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Francine sighed, stretching out. She accidentally knock over one of the shoe boxes that Alice had set on the previously unused shelf. It opened as it fell to the floor and many old, opened envelopes poured out. One laid half open at Francine's feet. Confused she picked it up and unfolded the letter.

Dear Alice,

Hello! My name is Francine Bonnefoy. I am excited to be your pen pal this year. I have a twin brother Francis, and an adoptive brother and sister. Their names are Maddie and Matthew. Do you have any siblings? I am 6 and I live in Paris, France. Class time is running out now so I have to stop here. I hope you write back soon!

-Francine Bonnefoy

Francine smiled. After all these years, Alice had kept the old letters they used to send. Smiling brightly, she folded up the paper. Curiously she grabbed the next closest letter. She read it then put it back. She tidied up the papers and neatly stacked them in the box, humming a little tune as she worked. As she put it back on the shelf Alice walked in.

"Francine, next time could you not put my laptop on the highest shelf in the house," She said, but it lacked the usual venom that was signature to Alice's insult.

"I'll try to put it someplace lower next time," Francine said then continued,"I didn't know you kept the letter for all these years."

Alice set her laptop down and smiled. This sparked happiness for Francine, she loved it when Alice smiled, to her it was the most beautiful thing in the world.

"An I didn't know you kept them either," Alice replied.

"Now, why wouldn't I have kept them?" Francine stated.

"Well, I guess you have got me there."

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