Chapter 8: Do You Remember

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Francine and Alice were once again cuddled up on the couch, watching Disney movies that they each must have seen a thousand times.

"Do you remember?" Francine asked, breaking a silence that had hung over them.

"Remember what, dear?" Alice says in reply.

"When we first met, face to face, I mean," Francine answered. Alice smiled.

"How could I ever forget?"

Alice was excited. Today was a very, very special day for her. For the past six years she had been sending letter back and forth to a young french girl named Francine. The two girls had finally convinced  convinced their parents to allow them to meet face to face. Alice and her family were going on a week long vacation to Paris, France. There she would finally meet Francine. Both Amelia and Alfred were teasing her endlessly about it, and the only comfort from any of her siblings that she received was from her twin, Arthur.

"Don't listen to those two idiots, everything will be fine. You and Francine will get along just fine," Arthur assured his sister. Alice smoothed down her dress as she boarded the plane, trying not to show her nervousness. 

"W-what do you mean? O-of course we will!" She said, visibly shaking. Amelia was sitting behind her, kicking her seat. Alice jammed her elbow hard into the back of the seat, timed so it would hit Amelia's foot. This was followed by a "Hey!"

"You're not fooling anyone, Alice. You're shaking like a cornered mouse," Arthur sighed, putting the two's luggage into the overhead storage.

"I could have put my own luggage up you know..." She mutters.

"Well, I'm doing it because it's the gentlemanly thing to do," He beamed.

"Gentlemanly my arse," She cursed under her breathe.

Francine was nervous, but who could blame her. Today she would be meeting her pen pal of six years, Alice Kirkland. Through their letters the two had become quite close, but Francine was nervous on how they would get along in real life. She had been going around the house, making sure everything was perfectly tidy.

"Francine, maybe you should calm down," Her soft-spoken sister, Madeline, said. Francine whipped around.

"How can I calm down at a time like this Maddie?!" Francine retorted.

"Everything will be fine, and you know it," Maddie replied, "You just need to calm down."

Francine paused, taking a deep breath in, relaxing a bit.

"Your right. There's nothing else I can do now. We should probably head to the airport soon, they'll be here in half an hour."

As the plane landed, Alice couldn't tell if her nerves got better, or worse. Arthur insisted on him and Alfred carrying the luggage, much to Alfred's dismay. Alice stepped off the plane. It was loud and crowded. Most people were talking in French. But one, heavily accented, voiced shouted out in English.


Alice turned around. She was standing (mostly) face to face with Francine. The two stood there, silently. Until Francine broke the silence.

"Well you're a lot shorter than I imagined."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 14, 2016 ⏰

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