Chapter 6: Letters Part 1

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"Hey, Francine! Did you move my laptop?" Alice called to Francine, who was in the other room.

"I put it in the hallway closet because the cats kept almost knocking it off the counter!" Francine yelled in reply.

"Okay! Thank you!"

Alice opened the closet.

"Damn it... Why are all the shelves so high in her house..." Alice grumbled. Francine was much taller than her and seemed to have no low down shelves, as the shelf with Alice's laptop was a good length above the short girl's head. She stood on her tip toes, trying to reach her laptop. She managed to grab the device's bag handle and pulled it down, and in the process, accidentally knocked down a box. It landed with a loud thud.

"Alice?! Are you alright dear?"

"I'm fine! I just knocked something over!" Alice  replied. She then bent down to pick it up. It was old looking, and looked more like a chest. It had leather covering and a metal clasp. It was quite large but when Alice put it upright it was quite light, a muffled shuffling of papers came from inside. The chest had a small piece of paper taped onto it and had "LETTERS" written on it in child like handwriting with what Alice assumed was the French variation of the word written below it. Alice was confused by this and decided to find out what the peculiar box contained.

Alice unlocked it and slowly opened the lid. She found that it was full to the brim with folded papers neatly stacked. The papers varied in type, some being the large, lined papers from young grades, others being simply regular lined paper, and various other types were included in the mix. She tilted her head slightly confused by this and reached for one of the papers. She unfolded it and inside she found a child's handwriting on the large lined paper.

Dear Francine,

Hello! My name is Alice Kirkland. I go to London Elementary and I'm 6!  My favourite drink is ta and my favourite foods are scones. I have siblings too! I have one sister and two brothers, my sister's name is  Amelia, but Amelia is adopted and likes to use her old last name, Jones. My twin brother is named Arthur. Amelia also has a twin brother named Alfred. What's it like in France? It's always chilly and rainy here in England. I'm running out of room on this paper so I'll end it here! Please write back soon!

- Alice Kirkland

Alice smiled. When the two were in elementary, Alice and Francine had been assigned as pen pals. But unlike their classmates, the two continued writing even after the class assignment had finished. Alice put the letter back and picked up the newest-looking one. The handwriting was much neater in this one.

Dear Francine,

I checked and you were right! Your new house is just the next street over from mine! I can't wait to finally see you more often! I can't believe how long it's been since we first started sending these letters.  Kind of crazy, right? Hard to believe we've never actually met in person, yet, I'm closer to you than most of my friends from school. Well, see you when you get to London!

Your Friend,

Alice Kirkland

Alice put the letter back on the stack, smiling. She closed the lid and shut the clasp. She struggled to put the box onto the shelf, but managed to do it. Alice just couldn't believe Francine had kept the letters after all these years.

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