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        "Ugh." Veronica was a normal middle school girl that woke up, went to school, came back home, did her homework, browsed the internet, went to bed, woke up,- you get the picture. 

       She wobbled out of bed and walked down the hallway to brush her teeth with her eyes have open. She stumbled and tripped over a chair. Once her clumsy morning routine was over, Veronica crawled downstairs to the kitchen to have her breakfast. She didn't even bother to brush her unruly hair. When she reached the kitchen she discovered her mom had left a plate of toast and a glass of milk for her. "Morning mom," she mumbled. She got a hug as a response and she sat down to have her breakfast. Her sister had just drowsily walked down the stairs and was starting to nibble on her toast. "Don't you have something to say?" Veronica asked her sister testily.

"What do you want?" muttered her sister, Lacey.

"Oh, it sounds a bit like, 'good morning'?"

Lacey glared at her. 

"Okay, okay," said Veronica as Lacey turned back to her toast.

      After she had finished her toast and milk, Veronica said goodbye to her sister and mother and left for school. Little did she know that she wouldn't be seeing them for a long time.


     By the time she got to school, Veronica realized that her legs were extremely weary. Since she came a few minutes early, she sat on the school bench to take a break. She noticed her friends Amber, Barry, and Leyna arguing as they walked towards her.

"No way!" shouted Leyna. "Methan is way better."

"Sure it is!" responded Amber sarcastically.

Barry gave Veronica a look that said help  me.                                                                                                      

Veronica snorted. "Are you guys kidding? I ship the Naked Brachiosaurus!"

    This just made her friends laugh even harder. Veronica smirked. She loved her friends. Veronica didn't know what she would do without them. They were pretty socially awkward kids except Leyna who was the student body council officer and was an amazing singer.

Just then, Veronica's cousin, Marissa arrived at school. 

"What's going on?" she insisted. "What's so funny?"

   Marissa was wearing a teal button up shirt with her sleeves up. Her sleek dark hair was tied up into a ponytail and she insisted on wearing her Attack On Titan earrings wherever she went. She had a purple backpack on her back and wore black ankle boots. Veronica and Marissa couldn't be more different. Veronica loved the color black and didn't really care about what she wore. And she hated wearing boots to school since she couldn't run in them.

"What makes you think anything is happening?" tested Amber. Veronica could tell she was trying not to laugh.

    Veronica was trying to keep a straight face as well, but it wasn't working well for her. She burst out laughing.

 "What?" Marissa demanded. "You guys keep making fun of me!"

   Just then, the bell rang and they all rushed off to class, unaware of the yellow eyes shrouded by darkness that watched them from afar.


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