Part 7

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  Tears stung my eyes as Barry and I hauled Ethan back to camp. We were just kids before, and now we had to go and defend ourselves against things we never knew existed, using powers we never knew we had.
  In my left hand, I held Marissa's earring. Barry held the map. We put our other arms around Ethan and pulled him along. Too many thoughts were racing inside my head for any conversation. If Marissa was captured, what happened to Leyna and Amber? I wiped my eyes as we went along.
  "Let's take a break," suggested Barry. I heard his voice crack as if he were about to start crying as well.
  We found a log to sit on and we just sat there, breathing. I remembered I had left Amber's brand new projector at the battle- scene in a rush to find Marissa and the others.   
  I put my head in my hands. I was worried. Worried about my family back at home, worried about Marissa, worried about me and my friends.
  "Are you okay?" asked Barry cautiously.
  I wasn't going to lie. I knew I couldn't handle all of my thoughts alone. I told him. I told him about how worried and scared I was. I told him that I was tired and sick of roaming in the woods, while we had no point in doing so. Where we ever going to see our houses and family again?
  Then Barry smiled. Then he started to laugh. Laughed like he had just heard the funniest joke ever.
  "Um, are you okay?"
   "Everything's going to be okay, Veronica. Don't worry. I know it's hard, but we have to try. We aren't going to get anywhere by just sitting here and talking. I fully understand. I feel the same too, but you just have to believe."
  "That was deep."
  Then, we both started to laugh. It felt weird, laughing about our problems in the middle of the woods with an unconscious body between us.
  "We should go," I said. We had to find the others before something happened to them.
  We peeled ourselves off the log and continued into the growing darkness.

*Im sorry this chapter was short! I promise I'll make the next one a lot longer :)

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