Part 20

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"Great. We're going to experience another laughing seizure."

"Amber, he might be able to help us!"

"That too."

Some businessmen gave us strange looks, probably wondering why two kids looking like hobos were wandering around the White House. I would be surprised as well. Anyway, we followed the map. We had to secretly sneak around corners and enter rooms and when some did notice, we would show them the stone and they'd back off.

We we finally reached the place marked on the map, we paused in front of the door.

"Welp, this is the moment of truth," sighed Amber. Her long brown hair was unkempt and dirty, which I would expect after about a week of travel. Her faded gray sweatshirt had holes in it in some places, and she had dark eye bags.

She placed her hand on the handle of a door out of a set of double doors. "Wait- this could be a trap."

"This is all we got, Veronica. If we don't do this quick enough, our friends will die. If this is a trap, we're going to fight whatever's inside. We've got to try." Amber had a sad look in her eyes, but I could still see a light of hope behind it.

"Okay, then. Nice knowing you." With those words, we pushed open the doors together.

We stepped inside. It was a dim lit room with a white pedestal in the center. I'd expected that they were under better security. This was way too easy. We looked around, checking for any obstacles. I couldn't help but feel uneasy, because nothing had bothered us yet.

      "Hmm," said Amber. "We should've been attacked by now."
       "I guess we're lucky!" I said in relief. I guess I jinxed it, since just then, a deafening crash was heard. Outside, I could hear people screaming and yelling.

     "Hurry!" I urged. We had to get the stone restored to its original place. We were about to get moving when a figure appeared in front of us.

     "Oh, I don't think so," said Vladmir, a smile curling on the corners of his lips. He looked a bit beat-up, but he was still gripping my staff. That really pissed me off, but. I knew that if I lunged at him, he would have a greater advantage. He had super speed. But I could turn into a fast animal. Still, he had way more experience than I did.

   Suddenly, I realized something. "Wait, where is Kaleiron?"

    "Oh, right where he belongs. On a deathbed," he smirked, flashing those crooked yellow teeth at me.

     "What?" I wasn't sure I heard him right.

      "WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO HIM?" Amber hollered.

       "It doesn't really matter, because you will be joining him anyway."
        "Wait, Kaleiron's dead?" I asked.
        "More or less," Vladmir said, studying his finger, probably looking for fungus.

         This time, I didn't start to cry. I didn't throw a tantrum. I felt numb. I was numb with shock. I had only met Kaleiron for less than a day, and he was gone. I hadn't even gotten to say goodbye.

       "Where are our friends?" asked Amber.

       "They're busy. But you two will be the first to face my wrath. You should be honored!" he gave us a grin, and dashed in my direction. Okay, sure, he was fast, but not as fast as the Flash in the show. I could still see his form, he was just a lot quicker than the average human being.

      I knew he was going to charge though, and became a cheetah. I leapt out of the way just in time. I looked around, confused. Amber stood, ready to fight. I heard another crash. Behind Vladmir was a red dragon, with yellow beady eyes, and dark spikes.

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