Part 10

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  We appeared outside of the shack. I fell on my knees and I brushed the dirt off my pants. We ran away from the shaking shack. "Uh, so we're supposed to prevent Donald Trump from winning the presidential election?" Ethan smiled.

  Then I saw my other friends smile too. "That's only part of it," I replied, punching Ethan in the arm. "Apparently, we're supposed to take out some dude called Cake Pop?"

  "Kaleiron," Marissa corrected, rubbing her head. She was probably still trying to get over the fact that she was possessed by a demon.
"Okay, Karen Ron," I got a look from Marissa. "Whatever where in the world will we find him?"
"Probably in D.C." responded Leyna while picking at her nails. "I really need to cut these," she mumbled.

  "Maybe, but even if we do find him, what if we don't get there on time?" wondered Barry.

    Suddenly, a woman popped out from a tree. I shrieked and backed away.Her long hazel hair cascaded from down her head and stopped about five inches past her shoulders. Her cold green eyes pierced me with such intensity, that I almost turned away. She wore a long silky dress with sleeves that stopped at her elbows. The hem of her dress stopped at her ankles. Her caramel complexion sort of glowed as if she were a goddess. She was beautiful.

   "You're in luck," she winked at us, but I felt that wink was directed at Ethan. Apparently, he noticed that too, because he turned beet red and stared at his feet. Marissa frowned. I snickered silently. "I think I might be able to help you, young Mages."

    "That word again," I grumbled. 

   "Excuse me?" the woman challenged.

   I hesitated, but then spoke,"Why do you people keep calling us Mages? What are these Mages?"
   She studied me as if I were a very interesting blue print and then chuckled coldly. 

  "Mages are very powerful beings, each with some elemental power. You can control the balance of nature and sometimes this can be very dangerous, but at other times, this can help others and yourself. You might ask, 'Where did I get these abilities?'. You don't get them from blood or anything, no, no, no. You simply get chosen at birth to gain these special abilities." She stopped, then smiled at us. "Any questions?" she asked as if we were in kindergarten.


 "Yeah, actually, I have some," Amber responded casually. "How are you going to help us? Also, who are you?"

   She eyed Amber carefully before answering. "First of all, I am Eleanor. I watch over the nature and wildlife in this area." She waved her arm over the forest we were standing in.

   "No wonder you live in a tree," murmured Barry.

   "I actually have someone who can help you. I can't directly interfere with a Mage's quest, but I can send someone to help." Eleanor put her hand on the tree's trunk, and it started to glow with a red light. Then, I saw the silhouette of a person. From the trunk of the tree, stepped someone I knew from a very long time ago. He had black hair and big glasses. He wore a S.T.A.R. Labs sweatshirt and grey sweatpants.

   "Ashton?!" I yelled in surprise. "How- what?"

   "You're still emo," Ashton sighed as he warily eyed me up and down.

    I looked down and my black skinny jeans, my black tee- shirt, and my plaid black and white sweater. 

   I flushed. "I am not emo!" I retorted, though was honestly happy to see him again. I had known Ashton for a very long, long time. Our parents became friends with each other in college and they introduced us when were still babies. We got along well enough, but we always teased each other.

   "Ashton!" Barry exclaimed. He ran towards Ashton and high- fived him. Ashton and Bary were really close friends and they always hung out with each other in class.

   Ethan nodded at Ashton and Marissa, Amber, and Leyna waved at him, all with smiles on their faces except Marissa. Marissa and Ashton did not really get along well.

   "Okay, lady, you better answer my questions. Why in the world did you trap our friend in a freaking tree stump? And, how's he supposed to help us? Does he have plane tickets to D.C. or something?" Frustration and confusion was building up inside of me. Who does she think she is, trapping people inside trees?

  I looked at Ashton and he looked offended. He shook his head.

  I turned back to Eleanor and she just told me, "I was just protecting him, he was being persued by monsters and he happened to run this way. Ashton has to answer your second question."

   "You were not  protecting me," Ashton said, turning red. "And Veronica," He turned to me. "I can help."

  Suddenly, he started to grow larger, into a red dragon. His arms turned into giant red wings, and sharp claws. His pupils turned yellow with black slits. If dragons could look embarrassed, I swear this one did. We all stared at Ashton in awe.

   "Well, hop on!" said Eleanor brightly, probably glad to get Ashton out of her hair.

   "Wait, what's the catch?" I asked. She did not seem like the person to give free favors to everybody. "Oh, there is no catch. But if you want someone to thank, it would be your friend Ethan." She winked again.

  "Wha- what?" Ethan stuttered, once again blushing.

   We all laughed, except Marissa, and well, Ashton of course. "You must hurry!" Eleanor reminded.

   "Right," Leyna replied. "Thanks."

   We all hopped on to Ashton's rough red hide. 

   Washington D.C., here we come.



*DaiShiX, huehuehue

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