Part 14

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I woke to the sound of yelling and scrambling feet. I pulled open my mini set of double doors and was met by the scene of my roomies scurrying around, packing up our belongings.

"Why are we leaving so early?" I yawned. "We only got here last night."

Leyna seemed to be the only one that heard me. "Look out the window."

I stood up, stretched and walked over to the window. What I saw was terrible. Masked gunmen in black suits patrolled the city, prepared to shoot anyone who seemed a threat. Terrorists, obviously. Packs of wolves ran around the city of Dallas, pouncing on people, or stealing meat from produce stores. About a hundred people held signs promoting Donald Trump marched around the city. Was this some kind of joke? I mean the Trump part.

Realization dawned on me. "It's Kaleiron. He's wreaking havoc amongst the city." I ran a hand through my dark choppy hair. "We're too late."

"Well, hurry and pack up!" said Leyna sternly. "We need to leave our room right now. There are some gunmen downstairs."

I got out of the closet and went to the bathroom to brush my teeth. (We had to ask for some toothbrushes and toothpaste at the front desk last night.)

I looked at myself in the mirror. I was horrified by what my reflection showed. My hair had grown over one of my eyes a few inches (which is why Ashton had called me emo), there were dark bags under my eyes, and my cheeks were sunken and gaunt. I looked like an emo zombie, no doubt. Though for the millionth time, I am not emo. (Ahem, Ashton)

When I got out of the bathroom, I pulled on my black and white woolly hoodie and grabbed my backpack.

We all headed towards the door, before I remembered something. "Amber, did you pack your phone charger?"

"Oh my gosh, thanks, you're a life saver," she replied, rushing back into the room.

I chuckled. When she came back, she smiled. "All set."


Once we reached the bottom of the stairs, we saw terrorists holding guns up to innocent citizens' heads. Two of them stood by Bernard asking, "Where are the Mages?"

Poor Bernard responded, "I don't even know what you're talking about! As far as I know, if they were your kind, I wouldn't have let them in in the first place."

Though I could tell he was trying to act brave, he was trembling madly.

"Let's get them," Marissa snarled, almost walking out of our position.

"No!" Leyna said, grabbing her arm. "We need the element of surprise."

"Leyna's right," agreed Ashton. "I count about ten men in black."

"There's only nine," I said, puzzled.

"Oh, I was counting you as well," he grinned evilly.

"Shut up," I growled at him.

"Okay guys, enough." warned Amber. "We'll need a distraction. Then two of you guys go up there." She pointed up the stairs. "That should lead to the doorway right there." She pointed to a doorframe behind one terrorist. "Then, two of you will get the innocents out of here."

"But it's even worse out there," Ethan reminded her.

"Well, yeah, but this a confined space and it's easier for people to get hurt in here," Barry said. I was surprised to hear him thinking.

"Okay, but what will the other two do?" Marissa asked.

"We attack," I grinned. "Oh, and I'll distract them."

Amber nodded. "Be careful," warned Marissa. She patted my arm.

I strolled out of our spot. "Oh hey," I referred to everyone in the pub. "Can I get a drink of water?"

Bernard gave me a look that said 'Get out of here'. I winked at him and continued walking around the pub nonchalantly. That's what I tried to look like, but I was actually really scared inside.

"So, you're looking for a Mage?" I challenged. "I'm right here. Shoot me."

I raise my hands into the air in surrender. "You're a Mage?" snorted the terrorist. "You're just a puny Asian kid who's trying to be brave."

I tried at an offended expression. "Excuse me, Bucky, but you're racist. Also, don't judge people by their size." At that moment, I morphed into a wolf, and pounced onto Bucky, knocking him over, and making him drop his weapon.

At that moment, Leyna and Ethan appeared at the doorway behind the two terrorist, knocking them over. Leyna set one guy's foot on fire, and Ethan had kicked a guy in the back. The terrorists turned their attention towards Leyna and Ethan, but the man standing by Bernard, was trying to get his hands on me. I was too fast as a wolf though, and I sank my teeth into his shoulder. He slumped over, unconscious. Let me tell you this. Never try human blood. It's disgusting.

I spotted Barry and Marissa urging people to leave. Every time someone turned their gun towards them, Barry would fry them with a lightning bolt.

"Thank you Bernard," I told him gratefully, once I had turned back to a human. "Please. Leave. It isn't safe here."

He nodded and fled. I saw Amber and Ashton battling two other terrorists. Barry had taken down two terrorists, and by now, they left him alone, knowing not to mess with him. The guy I had knocked down earlier fainted from disbelief. Kaleiron wasn't smart to send people who weren't mentally prepared.

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw one terrorist aim his gun at Marissa. "NO!" I screamed.

Ethan pushed her out of the way, just in time, but his leg was grazed by a bullet. Blood started to flow out, but it stopped. I remembered Ethan had a healing factor.

I did not hesitate to turn into a giant grizzly bear and sit on the terrorist.

Then, it was all over. We had taken down nine terrorists. I sighed and looked at the mess we had made, panting from running around.

   "Wow," panted Barry, rubbing the sweat off his forehead. "Two years ago, I wouldn't believe I could do that."

    Marissa and Ethan had just gotten up. Marissa dusted off the dust or shirt and adjusted her scarf, her face beet red. Ethan's face was pink, and he stared at the ground.

   "Thank you," Marissa mumbled.
    "What?" asked Ethan.

    "Nothing," replied Marissa, turning away from him.

   I could tell everybody was trying to hold back a fit of giggles. Amber had covered her mouth with her hands, and Leyna was practically coughing.

    "That was only a small fraction of what we have to fight," Ashton reminded us, bringing me back to reality. "Look outside."

    I glanced out a window and people were still running around, parents trying to shield their children from harm, and wolves attacking anything moving. Building were destroyed and I saw a few blood splatters on the concrete sidewalk. I really wasn't as ready for this as I imagined I'd be.

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