Part 4

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   CRASH. Rain clouds and lightning stirred in the sky as the cuckoo guy laughed at the sky as if it just sat on a whoopee cushion. We all stared at Barry.

  "What? That was for dramatic effect!" he wailed.

   When we turned back, the crazy guy had disappeared. 

   "That guy was mental," Amber pointed out. 

   "Completely nuts," agreed Leyna.

   "And so is Barry," I laughed. Barry looked at me, took his pointer finger and pulled it from his eye to his cheek as if it was a tear. We all cracked up. 

  "You guys heard that wacko guy right? He told us to leave!" Marissa reminded us.

  "No way am I going to leave my Seventeen album," Leyna whispered. "Jisoo is my baby."

   "And I can't live without anime!" exclaimed Marissa.

   "And I'm not going to leave my internet or wifi," Amber and I said in unison. We both looked at each other and started to laugh. I wish we could've stayed like that. I didn't want to leave my home. I didn't want to leave my family or school. But instead some random old guy told us to leave. He might have been right. Our lives might actually be in danger. And with powers like those, we could endanger all of those close to us.

   Then my heart dropped in my stomach. I realized how bad this situation was. We could lose everyone we ever loved. But if we were going to protect them, we had to leave. And to do that, we had to do it secretly.

  Just then, I saw a blur of dark brown behind a tree. I stared longer but I couldn't see anything. Then I saw it again, along with a flash of yellow. Wait, was that a head?

  "Guys, we need to leave," I said shakily.

  "Why? We just got here," Ethan frowned.

  "I saw something. It's after us," I explained. "If we don't leave now, we'll get-"

  Suddenly, the creature pounced. I saw a flash of dark brown and wild yellow eyes as we fled. Ethan tried to hit it with his knives (don't even ask me where he gets them) but it was chasing me and it didn't seem like it would stop. This thing was super fast. It might catch up to me any second now. Amber threw a few winds at it, but it only slowed the creature down. Leyna and Barry were too afraid to try and aim for the thing because they were worried they might hit me. Just then, Marissa thrust out her arms and ice grew on the ground in front of me. I nearly slipped but I regained my balance and continued running. I didn't have time to be surprised about Marissa's power.

  "Watch it, M!" I yelled as I ran.

  "Sorry!" she responded, obviously still surprised about what had happened. 

  Then, I thought of a falcon. A large, majestic creature with a large wingspan, dark beady eyes, and a long beak. Suddenly, I felt my body shrink. My arms grew longer and I tried flapping them. It was hard controlling my flight and I flew right into a bunch of leaves on a tree. I saw the animal look around, evidently confused. At that moment, Marissa cried out and threw her hands up, in the direction of the beast. Ice started to form around it's waist and went up until it was completely covered with ice. Then, Ethan threw a knife straight at it. It cracked, and the beast broke into small chunks of ice. 

  My friends all rejoiced while I was stuck in a tree. Great. 

  "Wait, what about Veronica?" said Amber.

  "Where'd she go?" asked Leyna.

   I started to chirp very loudly. What I was trying to say was: Get me off this tree. I don't really like heights. Of course, they couldn't comprehend , but that caught their attention. I was way to tired to morph back into a human though. 

  "Come down here!" yelled Barry, cupping his hands around his mouth.

   As if that wasn't what I was trying to do. I can't get off this branch without doing anything, I thought. I was tired of sitting in that tree and watching Barry's scarring method of climbing up a tree. With the last ounce of my strength, I changed into a cat and ran down the tree. And landed right on Barry's head. He fell backwards and then I realized I was human again. Then everything went black.





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