Chapter Three: Ice Cream

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It was so easy to talk to Patrick...Maybe because he had experienced the same illness as I had. It was something he could understand. I know Brendon and Dallon try to, but they could never fully understand what it was really like.

Patrick had beaten his retinal cancer, but at the cost of his left eye. They had taken it out surgically when it was determined that there was no other choice. It was either the eye, or his life.

Illness isn't all we had in common, however. We liked similar music, we could both play guitar (though it had been a long time since I had found the urge to play my own), and we both hated parts of our name.

"George, who even likes the name George?" I said with an eye roll, "I get it's a family name, but George? Why I go by Ryan."

"At least your last name isn't Stump." Patrick frowned, "I couldn't use a substitute for that. Kids loved to use that as a way to make fun of me."

"I helped beat them up though." Brendon chimed in from where he was now sat on Dallon's lap.

Patrick rolled his eyes, "Even though I asked you not to!"

Brendon shrugged. "Eh, the pricks needed it."

I looked back at Patrick. "So you really lived here until middle school? How had I never met you?"

Patrick shrugged. "I dunno. I was born in Chicago, came here when I was around six or seven, and stayed for a couple of years. My family only went back when we first round out about my, well..."

I just nodded in response. I could tell that Patrick didn't really prefer to talk about his illness. I could understand. I didn't like to either.

"But now you're back!" Brendon threw his arms up in the air. Dallon had to reach out and throw his arms around Brendon's waist to keep him from falling.

"Indeed I am." Patrick laughed, "Vegas, what a place to miss."

"The only place I've ever known." I sighed.

Patrick tilted his head. "You've never been out?"

I shook my head. After my mom got sick, we hardly did anything. No amusement parks, no road trips, nothing but doctor's visits... Hospital trips...

"Snap out of it, RyRo." I shook my head as I felt a tap to my cheek. Brendon was sitting next to me now, looking at me sadly. I looked down, beginning to twist my fingers.

"Well...Someday we'll have to change that." Patrick said softly.

I didn't look up. I felt stupid for zoning out again. It was bad enough to do around my friends, but now I was ruining my first impression around Patrick...

"You guys wanna get some take out or something?" Patrick asked, checking something on his phone before looking between all of us.

"Hell yes, please." Brendon answered, leaning back on Dallon.

"Dido!" Dallon grinned, "You call it in, breadstick and I can go get it."

"Sounds good!" Patrick smiled with a nod, "Ryan? You in?" I nodded, still looking down.

"Patrick, wanna give me the cash or are we carding it?" Dallon asked during the short silence.

"Umm I'll give you a couple bucks if you can use your card." I heard Patrick agree, getting up from the chair. "It's in the kitchen, C'mon."

As soon as Dallon and Patrick left the room, Brendon slid over to me and held me in a tight hug.

"It's okay! Will you just relax?" He asked.

You Are My Fight Song (Rytrick/Brallon)Where stories live. Discover now