Chapter 12: Retrogression

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I woke up facing Patrick. It made me smile, despite the pain that felt as if it had seeped into my bones overnight. At least I had him.

I snuggled closer to Patrick, nuzzling against his maroon shirt and just inhaling his scent. It was just comforting to me. His sweet scent could take me to the best memories I had with him.

I heard an airy chuckle before his arm wrapped around me. I just closed my eyes, staying close to him.

"Goomorning, Sweetie..." Patrick mumbled in a husky voice.

"Good morning..." I smiled, "How did you sleep?"

Patrick mumbled something that I couldn't understand, making me giggle. I opened my eyes and scooted back slightly, so that I could look at his sleepy features.

"I missed that." I said, softly, leaning up to place a soft kiss on his lips. His lips smiled against mine, deepening the kiss. I wrapped my arms around him as our connection lengthened.

"Aw, they're precious." Brendon's energetic giggles suddenly filled my ears. We pulled apart to see him peaking into the hotel room from the door. He waved sheepishly. "Whoops... Ruined the moment, didn't I?" He laughed nervously, "Just came to check if you were awake. We're ready to get going."

Patrick stretched with a low groan. "Ready as ever..." He yawned. He turned to me and smiled, "Ready, Ryan?"

I grinned. "Ready, Patrick."


"You idiot, we were supposed to turn off at the last exit!"

"Hey, giraffe, I don't see you behind the wheel!"

Brendon and Dallon were arguing over directions in the front of the car, I was leaning against Patrick. His fingers laced lazily through my hair as I tried to focus on something other than my pain. For some reason, it was really bad today. I didn't want to tell Patrick though... It would only worry him.

"Ryan, why are you so quiet?" Patrick asked, pulling me from my thoughts.

"Hmm? Oh... Just... Just thinking about puppies." I lied. Well, it wasn't too much of a lie, considering puppies were a good thing to keep the focus off the pain.

"You sure?" Patrick asked, "I can snag you a brownie if you need one."

"A brownie wouldn't hurt." I replied almost silently, getting a slight wave of dizziness.

Patrick nodded before leaning forward to tap the back of Dallon's head. Dallon turned slightly in his seat to glance back at us.

"Need a brownie."

"Doesn't he have pills?" Dallon asked.

I shook my head. "I was making progress so they took me off of them..."

"Not that they work anyway..." Patrick muttered under his breath.

Dallon nodded, leaning forward to dig up the small container with no further questions. He pulled it out and passed it back to Patrick. Patrick took it, popping the lip open and passing it to me.

"I hope it helps..."

I ate it quietly, just trying to not show the pain I felt. Why was today such a hell day? I was supposed to be having the time of my life...


"Damn it, breadstick."

"Just make the next turn off and take two left turns." Patrick instructed, tapping the back of Dallon's head again.

"What Patrick said." Dallon nodded while swiping Patrick's hand away.

I closed my eyes, leaning over on the door. The sun felt good against my cold skin. Brendon had the air conditioner on, which wasn't really helping my deep down pain. I wasn't going to complain, though. It would give me away.

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