Chapter Six: Kiss

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Our lips moved together just slightly. I really shouldn't be kissing Patrick. I really shouldn't be giving into the feelings he gave me... But I just couldn't help it.

Patrick was the one to pull away first. He pulled back slowly, seemingly letting his lips linger on mine as long as possible. I looked up at him and he looked back with slight wonder on his face.

"I-uh-mmm..." Patrick stumbled on his words. He let out a soft, nervous giggle as he looked down at me.

"Yea..." I said in a breath of air. I cracked a smile of my own, just looking back up at him. The distant lights were dancing off his eyes again. It was beautiful...

"Patrick and RyRo sitting in a tree..." Brendon's teasing voice drifted over to us, "K-i-s-s-i-n-g!"

I had almost forgotten he and Dallon were there with us. I rolled my eyes as he laughed from where he layed across Dallon. Patrick bit his lip and stood upright, much to my unwilled disappointment.

"Mood killer, beebo..." I sighed. I wasn't sure what I was feeling at the moment. It was nice. It would just end up hurting him. It would just end up hurting everyone. I couldn't... Or...Could I?..

"I'd keep him quiet, but he bites." Dallon apologized.

"Rwar." Brendon teased, poking Dallon's nose.

I adjusted myself in the cart to look out at the lights. They seemed so much less spectacular from this angle... Somehow, they were better in the reflection of Patrick's eyes...


"Don't hurt yourself!" Patrick whispered as I attempted to lift myself out of the cart. I was, once again, not so graceful and ended up loosing my balance. Luckily, Patrick caught me in his arms. I gripped his shirt tightly to steady myself before we both let go of each other.

We were back at the hospital. We had been out for a few hours, and none of the guys wanted me to get in trouble for being out too long. Patrick had volunteered to take me to the window and help me inside, so that's where we were. It was just the two of us standing outside the still open window. Neither of us willing to make the first move towards it, however.

"Thanks, Patrick..." I smiled, speaking quietly. I held onto my arm, trying to think of something else to say or stall him with.

"No worries." Patrick laughed lightly, scratching the back of his head and causing his fedora to lift slightly. He lowered his hand and tilted his head as he looked at the ground. "Listen... About earlier... On-on the hill..." He sounded nervous as he tripped over his words, trying to distinguish what to say.

I bit my lip. I had liked what happened on the hill... But I shouldn't of. I wanted so badly not to feel the way I did towards the nervous boy in front of me.

He was adorable. He was sweet. He'd be another person I could only inevitably hurt.

"It's fine, Patrick..." I let the smile tugging at my lips win. I really did.

He smiled at me. He took a step closer to me and I did likewise. Even the dull light from the windows around us bounced beautifully off his eyes. I couldn't get over that. I reached out and slid my hand into his, delicately wrapping my fingers around his.

"It wasn't too much?" He asked softly, "I-I mean it was just kinda... Kinda spur of the moment and you just looked so-"

I cut him off by taking another step forward and pressing my lips against his, closing my eyes once they were connected. Like it or not, I had grown feelings for Patrick... Maybe it really such a bad thing... If I could just stop psyching myself out.

We stayed together longer than our first kiss. Our lips moved together smoother. His arms slid around my waist to hold me. I slid my hands along his arms. His lips curved up into a smile against mine. I let out a giggle, pushing harder against him. He pushed back, parting my lips with his tongue.

That was unexpected, but NICE. I opened my eyes for just a moment to look at Patrick. His eyes were closed and he just looked so relaxed. I let my eyes flutter shut again as he let his tongue explore my mouth.

This was really something I might not mind being a thing...

He was once again the first one to pull away. I kept my eyes closed with a smile on my face. I let out a happy sigh and I heard Patrick laugh.

"You really don't mind?" He asked softly. His arm was still wrapped around my waist and his one hand was still entangled with mine. I smiled down at that.

"Doesn't seem like it..." I whispered. I looked back up at his face, unable to drop the smile from my own.

Patrick smiled widely. He squeezed my hand and leaned his head against mine. "I'm glad to hear it, Ryan Ross."

"I'm glad to share it, Patrick Stump."

Patrick walked me over to the window. He cupped his hands together to help prop me up to through the window. I crawled in, somehow managing to not fall on my face or hurt leg this time. I turned and leaned out the window just a bit.

"I'll see you soon?" He asked, reaching his hand up to hold my fingers with his.

I smiled down at him. "I hope you do."

Our hands swung just slightly before his slipped away. He began taking small steps backwards, while I just continued to lean on the window.

"Go get some sleep, pretty brown eyes, it's like three am." Patrick laughed, giving me a small salute.

"Mmm, like wise, baby blue eyes." I teased.

He gave me one last smiling wave before he turned to really leave. I stood upright and shut the window. As I made my way carefully over to my bed, I couldn't really comprehend what was happening.

I was falling for this boy. I was falling hard. He seemed to be falling just as fast.

I had never anticipated any of this. Had he? Was any of this even practical? We had known each other for a few months now... It was becoming inevitable... Then it kind of happened.

I crawled into bed, not even bothering to change out of my pastel colors. I was suddenly feeling exhausted. It had to be from staying out so late. It had been so long since I did anything like that... That had to be it. I rested my head against the pillow and let out a sigh.

It was right before sleep overtook me that I realized something about tonight, with Patrick.

Patrick had been my first real kiss.

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