Chapter Five: Lights

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I was sat in my hospital room with Brendon, Dallon, and Patrick eating some Chinese food and laughing. Whenever Dallon and Brendon came to visit now, they always brought Patrick.

We had actually begun to text back and forth a lot. He was such a cool guy... Maybe it wasn't so bad to get close... Although, it still wasn't part of my plan.

"Ryan, gimme some of that orange chicken." Patrick said from where he sat on the edge of my bed, tapping the box in my hand with his chopsticks. I tilted the box and let out a laugh as he stabbed straight through three pieces of chicken.

"Stabby stabby." I teased as he began to bite at the chicken. He let out a giggle, almost dropping his food.

Brendon wiggled his eyebrows, unable to say anything through his mouthful of food.

Patrick pointed his chopstick at Brendon. "Not while we're eating! You're terrible." He exclaimed. Brendon just laughed in response, falling over on Dallon.

"I take it as he's done it to you too?" I asked, tapping Patrick's leg with my foot. Patrick hid his mouth behind his hand and nodded.

"Several occasions."

"I once made milk come out his nose."

"It still burns."

"Aw, poor Patrick." I smiled at him, still tapping my foot against his leg. He smiled back before looking down at his own box of take out.

I adjusted myself in my bed so that I was sitting up without the support of the pillows. I winced slightly from a slight pain that ran through me, but I tried to hide it from everyone. I didn't want them to worry any more...

"Alright, boys..." Sara came into the room with a smile. She checked on the clipboard at my feet before looking up at our group. "Visiting hours are almost up."

"C'mon, Sara, don't make them go." I pleaded. It was a Friday night. It was going to get so lonely without them here.

"I'm sorry, Ryan. Hospital rules, not mine." She frowned before walking out of the room.

"I don't miss that." Patrick sighed, setting his boxed food in his lap. He looked so disappointed?..

"It's bullshit." Brendon frowned, closing the top of his box. "They act like a night out in the Vegas lights would kill him..."

"It's what happens when you're dying..." I muttered, my shoulders slumping. I missed not having a curfew that my friends could be over... I missed home... But it wasn't that anymore... Not since my mom died.

"You not dying!" Patrick looked upset. He reached out and grabbed my hand. I looked up into his blue eyes and saw a spark of determination behind the real one. "What time does security really lax around here?" He asked.

Brendon perked up with Patrick's question. "Do I smell a prison break?" He asked as a mischievous grin spread over his face.

Patrick nodded, a grin spreading over his own face. "I'm gunna prove how alive you are." He told me softly. He looked over at the window. "How far does it open?" He asked.

"Enough." I grinned.

"Wow, Pat. Didn't realize what a schemer you were." Dallon laughed, looking out in the hall for any doctors or nurses.

Patrick just grinned over at him. "Guess you could call me a child at heart." He shrugged. I fought to hold back a giggle.

"Be ready at midnight." Brendon instructed, "that shift is the laziest."

"We're gunna have some fun." Patrick squeezed my hand as he said it.


Right as the clock hit midnight, I was at the window. I was dressed in some light pastel colors, tugging at my shirt. I had just grabbed the first thing I could find in my bag, and it may not have been the best for a 'stealth' mission.

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