4) Ice-cream & Chocolates

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"Hello. This is Parkinson's Bow and Tie shop. How may I help you?"

"Wow. No rambling today?"

"Get straight to the point or I might kill a bitch."

"Aggressive, are we today? What got you panties in twist?"

"Shut up. First Mother Nature had to pay me a visit today. And now obnoxious jerk like you is annoying me."

"Woah. I'm sorry. I didn't know that you are...on your.. Um..your.."

"Period. Haha. Why are you so embarrassed to say that word?"

"Shut up."

"Now who's panties are in twist?"

"Shut up."

"Don't you shut up me. You are annoying. I want ice cream and chocolates. But I can't go to ice cream parlour 'cause of work. Ugh. Why is universe against me today? Why?"

"Are you crying?"

"N-No. I'm not"


"I have caught cold."

"Cold in summer? Yeah right. Anyways, I wanted to order a Royal blue tie. You know where to deliver the order. And I want it before 6pm."

Girls and their mood swings, Zachary thought.

"Sure. Thank you for ordering."

"Take care, Isabella."

"Thank you. You too."

Isabella was sitting on the receptionist desk when a boy came.

"This is for Isabella Rose."

"Who sent this?" Even though she already knew the answer. Who else could have sent ice cream and chocolates?

"Mr. Zachary Anderson."

That obnoxious jerk... Not so obnoxious anymore.

. . .

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