No Need to Impress

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I have some boy issues. I really like this guy and he's 3 years older. He used to go out with this girl I know. They're an on and off couple. Everyone knows him ,but I haven't met him.

Sure it sounds weird that I haven't met the guy that I really like. We have little nicknames for each other like I call him sl*t and he calls me a wh*re. Doesn't sound to good does it? I met him in March when one of my friends told me about him. Since then we've been good friends.

In May we had a little fight. My best mate told him that I liked him and he said he didn't love me in that way, only as a friend. That ruined our friendship. Now we're in good terms. He sends me love hearts at the end of most things he says to me, I'm always the one to talk first and it feels like I'm annoying him...

He also left to go oversea's a couple of months ago and invited me to go out to town with him. This means sooo much to me. What do I do to get his attention with out annoying him, and I also need your advice on what I should do overall. Thanks, this would help alot.~ kea. xo


Ok I see where your coming. Sometimes people have this consious feeling that people think they're annoying. Trust me he probably is just uncomfortable. The reason he may be uncomfortable is because he just isn't into you like he said and because he know's that you still have feelings for him. Sometimes the best thing is to just move on.

I'm sure you are an amazing person and you are most likely still young. Don't over think things sometimes it's not healthy for a person because it causes stress. Also the best way to catch someones eye is to just be yourself, and if that person doesn't like your natural self then they are not worth your time. I can tell you guys are better off as friends (sorry for the tough love). Have fun and let it come naturally.

I'm sure if he was smart enough he would notice you ,but wouldn't you rather be natural in front of someone instead of trying to meet up to there standards? Iv'e been hurt in the past and I learned it's better to just live :).

Tip; Boys hate makeup, they think it takes up time and masks your face, no literally it masks your face. Of course some makeup is exeptable ,but don't cake your face :)

Remember Always, Date like a man so you don't get palyed like a b*tch

Cupids Conquerer <3 Love you guys

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