I still like him

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So there's this guy (Chris) at my school, he's gonna be a junior and I'm gonna be a sophomore.

I've liked Chris ever since last year when I sat behind him in Bio, we've become good friends and we've sorta hinted at liking each other. He even used to give me rides home from practice ,but then summer came and we drifted apart. Now he has a girlfriend from another town and I think I still really like him.

What I'm trying to say is that I don't know what to do.

My friends all say "Chris reallly likes you, he's just shy." ,but I'm not so sure anymore. How do I hint at liking him without ruining the friendship we have? Do I wait to hint until after he breaks it off with his girlfriend? Should I just forget the guy? I'm so confused.....please help!


I see your problem here, ok so if you really do still like him, like the kind of like that's just hard to forget, wait for him. Try to get closer in a friendly way like the way you guys used to be. It's better if you just forget about him until he breaks it off with his girlfriend because every woman deserves some happiness. You can forget about him for awhile, but still be around enough for him to know your not being distant and your available. It's all up to you if you want to forget about him or not, you just have to figure out how much you like him.

You can hint him along the way nothing wrong with friendly conversation ;) ,but it's best to wait for after. You still have time so Just Dance!!!! Have fun for once :D relax and have fun while you wait.

-People always loose themselves in a relationship

-Always remember your true self

-Remember Always; Date like a man so you dont get played like a b*tch

Cupids Conquerer <3

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