The Guy Between us

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Okay the problem is I know a girl called Shaz and we were best friends until a guy gets involved and his name is Sam. Sam and Shaz start going out and Sam quickly becomes a best friend of mine. Somewhere among the lines rumours start going out that I like Sam. Shaz breaks up with me saying that I like everyone's boyfriend but I'm hopelessly in love with another guy. Help me. How do I convince Shaz that I don't like sam . He's just a good friend.


Ok so this is a very hard problem to resolve. One because the girl always seems to pick the guy. What you need to do is talk to her first. You need to find a way to remind her of the friendship you guys once had. You also need to show her that you want nothing to do with Sam because Sam is practically like a brother to you. I can't say that Shaz is going to jump right back into your arms because people hate being wrong.

Then if you prove she was wrong she might stay mad for awhile because she knows that now you have something on her, being that she doesn't trust you and that she jumped to conclusions and let a boy come between you. Like I said because of that she might still hold a grudge to maybe distract you of that fact. That's the most I can tell you to do because no matter what you know that you didn't do anything wrong and when you know that you have made no mistakes you can find a way to fix any mess no matter how stuborn the person is.

You also said that you are in love with someone else and she must know that. Any way I really hope evrything works out including your lover 'wink wink' and all you have to do is show Shaz how much you love her and would never want to loose her to a boy. Also Shaz should know better than to believe stupid rumors.

-Sorry this was not my best advice because there really is no telling what can happen in a situation like this and also because there's really nothing more you can do than just talk it out and show actions that will convince the person that rumors just start out as a stick up a persons arse in the morning and turns into that person taking it out with entertainment going on.

-Remember Always; Date like a man so you don't get played like a b*tch

Cupids Conquerer <3 I want to thank all of my supporters so far :)

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