What he Really Wants

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I have always had a good air about myself and have had guys falling for me ,but a couple of years back, I had a fall out with friends because of which my image in the whole school became that of a slut. It only happened because the majority was against me. On top of this, I failed a year because of a lot of problems and depression. Now things are different and I tried moving on. Now there is this guy that I like and he shows a little interest in me too ,but the same problem yet again, my image.

He speaks to me when nobody is watching but in public he is very cold. Please help!


Ok this is really simple because what you need to do is confront this guy, he needs to learn how to not be a wuss, because when you like a girl you like her no matter what. But at the same time give him some time to realise or find out what he really wants because in the end it's all up to him. When you confront him don't be too agressive because that's never the answer when you want an answer from someone. If you really like this guy, try not to get too attatched because he might just shy away from you, so just try to figure out if he has real feelings for you or if he just wants something else.

-Hey guys!! long time no see, sorry I just started school the 8th so I had to get everything together again, I hope you guys enjoy this because it is 8:41 and I'm going to be late (I start school at 8:59) so enjoy!!

-Remember always; Date like a man so you don't get played like a b*tch

-Cupids Conquerer <3 love you all 

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