Jordan and My Navy Boy

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I have 2 problems maybe you could help?

1) I like this guy named Jordan, he's nice and really funny. I've had classes with him since 7th grade and last year I decided that I really like him. My friends told me to ask him to Sadies and I did (as a friend) but he couldn't go. I had art class with him over summer now it's junior year, we have classes I still think I like him, but I really have the feeling that he likes my friend Emily who is like blond and really pretty (you know the type and I'm not like ugly, but I think she's like way prettier) he asked her if she was "talking" to some one. My best friend says that he likes me, but also might like her I don't know  what to do.

2) I have this other friend Brian we were on the same soccer team for awhile and we (me and my sister) got really close to him. I'm pretty sure that they liked each other for a while, but then she started to, like hate him. We stayed friends and in April when he left for navy training we became like super close. Now I think I like him more and there's a chance he might like me. After he left we would write letter and after he finished bootcamp and he was able to use his phone we text all the time like pretty much all weekend. We started to do skype and his buddies tease the crap out of him for talking to me, and his one buddie decided to embarass the heck out of us by asking if he was my BF and if we liked eachother and then he was all like "When Brian comes you guys are so going on a date". Brian talks about all of the things we are going to do when he's home. He was really nice about it, but it kind of made things weird when brians buddy asked if I Lked him and if I antd to be his GF. ya i wanted to say yes but of course i couldnt.then he goes and askes about my sis.everytime i think he may like me a little he has to go and bring up Amy, and my <3 is like crushed.its like a cycle cuz this happens a lot .plz, plz hlp?


Ok so like I tell EVERYONE you have to figure out if you like the person for real. You have to get to know the person and figure out if you really like the real them. You also have to focus on one person, because when you like that person it's hard to concentrate on who they really are if your surounded by all these other things. For the first problem, you have to concentrate on what you really want. Why you have to do that? Well because sometimes people can be blind about what they feel for a person. Sometimes you feel lust, sometimes you really like that person for rea,l or sometimes you just like what they do ex. a person might like another person for their money. Many times a person can like two people at a time. Sometimes you think a person likes you ,but they don't. So what I'm trying to say is just to get everything in check and watch what happens around you for awhile. 

Ok so now for the second problem. First I'm already liking this guy. He seems like a genuin nice person. Why I'm saying that is because a guy will normally just keep in touch with people they care about. You have to ask your sister if she likes him because if she does then you know. You guys obviously have a lot of people bugging you, and if a lot of people around you pick things up like that, it is possible he can like you. Sometimes boys are shy. They sometimes like to change subjects about things they don't like to talk about or things they get easily effected by. Before you get into action you have to build a base. Which practically means you have to be prepared and expect the unexpected. I get why you feel sad and I think you may really like this person, like genuinly like him. Then when you've done that, then you can just ask him whatever it is that you have in mind. Sometimes people use people to get to other people, so that's just a little hint. The reason I kept on saying sometimes is because I don't like to jinx things and you can never really tell the future. Just live your life. Have fun and enjoy. I hope I helped and hopefully you can come to me if anything else happens :D

-Sorry guys for my absense and sorry for this chapter I could only copy and paste not edit I only edited half because it kept going crazy xD

-I just had a lollipop.......who knew superman was an immagrant? anyone? well from another planet of course :P Well I'm not going to damage your brains any further than I already might have so byee lovies <3

-Remember Always; Date like a man so you don't get played like a b*tch

Cupids Conquerer <3 lollipops are awesome

In Cupid's HeadOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora