Birthday Suit :)

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What's Going on

Hi! So I am going skating this week with three of my friends, my best girl friend and two guys. I happen to like one of these guys. Questions: what should I wear? (I'm a bit chubby btw) cute, BUT SUBTLE ways to flirt? How do you tease your crush in a cute way? Thanks!


Ok the best way to tease or flirt with your crush in a cute way is; be playful, let him know your all about being fun.

Keep the conversation interesting, keep him wanting to talk more to you.

Make eye contact, make him feel like you are the only people talking at times ,but not all the time because you don't want to leave your friends out.

Body language, contact is good ,but not too much because boys like space.

Smart, let him know you are not stupid and that you actually are useful in a conversation.

Humor, a good sense of humor is always useful.

Sometimes you have to act uninterested in the guy because guys that are cocky love everyones attention.

Now for the outfit: keep the makeup simple and natural. Wear something comfortable. Don't stress too much :) If you are being yourself the entire time I'm sure that he'll notice you ,but if he doesn't then give it time. It's best to have a guy like you for you not your russian twin sister :)

If a guy loves you, he will love you in sweats and a t-shirt

Remember Always, Date like a man so you don't get played like a b*tch

Cupids Conquerer <3

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