Maybe Just Stay Away

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In Cupids Head! :D

I like this guy (chris) (black hair green eyes) ,but he keeps on giving me really mixed messages.. One day hes really nice and making me laugh, then like 2 days later he a complete jerk! It's like he's bipolar or something...Anyways that went on for about 2 months, then he goes out with a really close friend of mine! He dated her for 5 months, breaks up with and asks me out! I still like him but I chose to respect there relationship...Now that he's free I don't know what to say..My friend is one of my best friends and I don't want to hurt her.. what do I do?   


Ok these are the guys you need to stay away from or teach a lesson. These are the type of guys that just like to run wild. They don't know what they're feeling so they decide to wing it (ha that kind of ryhmed). He may be considered a player, he went out with your friend and now wants to go out with you. If he really wants to go out with you ,then make him prove it. If he says something like "well how do you want me to prove it" then he's out of it. If he actually does prove it then you could give him a chance. So your friend doesn't get hurt you have to talk to her. Let her know what your thinking and ask her how she feels about it. That's really all that I can say for now and I really hope I helped, Thank you soo much again for coming to me and for loving my advice <3

Persons Response

Ok..I figured as much...You are so right...Most guys that are jerks are mostly the players..also what if my friend feels uncomfortable with it or she just says 'I don't know' 'its too soon''? Do I just say no to him? 


Let the whole thing calm down, take a pause with trix. I'm so weird.

-I hope I have done my duty once more. Until next time my loves.

-Remember Always;Date like a man so you don't get played like a b*tch

Cupids Conquerer <3

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