Elevator Music

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The elevator music is playing as you and Paul silently stand in the 100-floor descent. The music is echoing in the nearly silent elevator, holding only you and him. Paul seems super shy and nervous all of the sudden.

"I can't thank you enough," you break the silence.
"For what?" he says casually.
"For inviting me to hang out with you both. I've never been this happy before. I've never felt so much at home."
"Neither have I. Not before tonight. I'm going to miss you." his face is burning deep red now, and he can't look you straight in the eye. Someone so good-looking, so famous, who has everything he could ever want, is nervous around you? Oh my gosh.

Forget the butterflies. The whole zoo erupts inside of you. He comes closer and wraps his arms around you and holds on tight. "You feel like home..." he admits in a low tone. You sigh happily and nestle your face into his shoulder.

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