A Sky Full of Stars

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"Hey," you hear someone call your name. They're shaking your shoulder. "Hey, wake up. We have half an hour before you have to leave for the theatres,"

You open your eyes and see Paul looking down at you. You're still curled up on him, and you let out a big yawn. Paul chuckles and gently lifts you up. You look over and Danny is still sleeping in the armchair. The TV is still playing the Titanic credits and corresponding music.
   "Did you fall asleep?" I ask sleepily.
"No," he replied.
    "I'm sorry..." you apologize.
"It was cute," he smiles. "But hey, the stars are out. That's why I woke you up, to see if you wanna go check them out. I know you love that kind of thing," he says. He must have seen that Youtube video about your wanderlust.
   You jump off the couch.
"Here," Paul hands you his sweater. "Put it on, so you'll be warm."
"Aw thanks!" you slip it over top and pull up the hood. It smells good like him. Paul leads you out to the balcony.
    "I could stand here for hours," you say. The stars are bright for a city night. Clear enough, but not as much as in the country, obviously.
   "I love looking at them too. It gives me a sense of... of peace," he finishes. You sigh happily.
   "What would you wish for?" you ask him.
  "I... I..." he stutters.
"I want to see you again."
   "Why me?"
"You're different. I feel safe with you."
    You just smiled and sigh. "We'll see each other again,"
"I wish every night could be like tonight." he keeps looking out over the railing, at the busy night life below, and at the stars hanging above. There is a twinkle in his eye.
"Will you hold me?" you say, a silhouette standing there in his over-sized sweatshirt, with big eyes.
"Of course," he embraces you and sways back and forth. You have both your hands on his chest and his arms are wrapped gently around you. Both of your eyes are closed. Couldn't you stay here forever?

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