Bleeding Sun

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You and Paul walk out of the hotel and down the city streets until you are in sight of a park with trees, a playground, flowers, and a bench or two.
    "Hurry, the sun is going down fast," Paul tugs you along. You jog alongside him until you are standing in the park. You have a clear view of the gorgeous sunset.
   "Wow," you gasp and catch your breath. Paul pulls out his phone and takes a few shots. "Come here," he asks and he puts his arm around you and puts on the front camera. Then he takes this picture of you both, with his arm around your waist. But since it's a fairly close selfie, you can't really see his arm. You wonder if that will go on Instagram, too? You pull out your phone and take a picture. He holds you close in it.

Then you guys walk over to a small hill that slopes down, overlooking the busy city below. You both sit down to watch the sunset as it fades away.

"So what's your story?" he asks.

"My story?" you reply.

"Yea, like how you grew up, what life was like for you kinda thing."

It's then that you talk to him about where you were born, the main events of your childhood, the challenges you faced, and the things you look forward to.

"What about you?" you ask at the end. "Tell me something I don't know."

Paul tells you random facts about him, about his childhood, what he was taking in college, what it was like being homeschooled, the feeling of being on DigiTour, and things like that.

By this time, the sun had almost set. You felt like you knew each other a lot more now.

"It's beautiful," you stare at the sky.

"Not as much as you..." he says shyly. You lean your head on his shoulder for a minute.

"Danny's waiting for us," Paul sighed as the last bits of red were sinking in the horizon.

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