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Your eyes flutter open at 4am. You hear a creaking noise above you and look up at your window.
"Have you packed?" a voice whispers from the darkness. You jolt straight up in your bed and rub your eyes.
"Paul! What the heck are you..."
Suddenly he reaches in and puts his hand over your mouth.
"We're running away, remember?"
"Paul, pick me up after school instead, I'll tell my parents I'm going to my friends for the weekend, then they won't care..."
"Tell them this morning. I'll pick you up outside your school at 9:30am. Be there."
You open your mouth to object but he has already disappeared.

"Mom, Riley's having me over to her house until Sunday," you call over your shoulder later that morning as you walk out to the garage.
"You have a suitcase packed?" Your mom is so cute. She cares so much about you but she trusts you and lets you do what crazy teenagers do.
"Yes, it was kinda last minute. But since she's moving soon, we won't have too many more chances to hang out."
You feel guilty. You love your mom. But you gotta have a little fun, right?
"Okay honey. I'll be there to drive you to school in a second," she calls from the kitchen.

Its 9:35 and you're skipping classes. You've left your books in your locker and you've got your suitcase in hand. There Paul is sitting in his car. He pops the trunk and you set in your bag. You notice he has food in the trunk before you go and sit in shotgun.
"Paul, is this really happening?"
He leans over and kisses you. You grin as he pulls away from your school. You don't look back.

Soon your friend Riley texts you. "Where you at?"
"Sick" you reply.
"Ofc" She says, obviously not buying it. She can tell what you're up to. You love her, she's your best friend.
"My mom thinks im with you this weekend so be cool"
"Lol i will try but no promises"

You smile at your phone and slip it away for now.

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