Untitled Part 6

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THE DEMON glowers at the boy. At his aura. Crystal and sparkling. At the hundreds of demons and angels clashing around him.

"The rain fell just in time for the girl to end up here! In this goddamn café!" Af says, polishing his dagger with a handkerchief of Deception he has acquired three human lifetimes ago. It must make its weapon matte, not a daub of the opposition's power residue. "Someone from Machon has been meddling."

"The conviction is strong in this one. A loyal pawn of the Enemy," Goh says. "This ought to be fun!"

"Shut your pipe hole, Goh," Af snarls. The boy is a rare encounter. Rarer than Jupiter retrograding inside the womb of Virgo within the heavens. They are individuals who cling on to the Letter of the Enemy for the Humans with their lives. They usually have stodgy lifestyles in the eyes of the human world, yet in the spirit realm don badges of invisible heroism— a full armor provided by the Enemy, underneath which lay sashes of amethyst and diamonds and jasper. The boy is no small matter; in fact, he is a serious threat to them all.

"We must bring the girl out of this café immediately!" Af says.

"No!" the Corporal says. "We can do something much better than that. Prepare a deterrent for the girl from everything the boy does and says. If the boy says one little wrong thing, we'll make it a big deal to her." They need to grab this opportunity to get promoted. They must survive this. "But first let us fiddle with her concentration. Summon Nabēlah, Çanver!"

Af and Goh cannot help but smirk.

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