Untitled Part 18 (Censored Version)

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THE DEMON knew that what its peers were about to do would be censured, and it had to insist refusal.

"But the Satan approved of it," the angel Tadon said to the Corporal. "It's not like it's hard: the daughters of men are easy to seduce."

"Moreover," Rahdhon said, "they are beautiful."

The Corporal's human that time was a young woman of six and twenty. A daughter of a rich merchant, who had evenings entirely composed of long baths, dousing itself in lotion and scents, oblivious to the fact that her private quarters insured no privacy at all.

"I've tried it before." Tadon lingers upon the woman's chests. She could not perceive the demon; yet the demon saw her and delighted at the mere sight of her naked body. "It was a most memorable experience."

"And utterly ludicrous," the demon spat. "Like the both of you! How can you lust over a lesser creature no matter how beautiful you think it is? You are like a human who lusts after and sleep with cattle and horses! This is atrocious!"

"Just one night. You can possess her so it would be easier."

The Corporal trembled at the idea. It said, "You know it's against the rules to possess a human without its or any of its ancestors' consent."

Rahdhon laughed. "She has been engaged in the witchcraft of foretelling by reading the stars. That's our ticket."

The Corporal waved its hand.

"No matter," Tadon sniggered. "She will be captivated by my beauty once she sees me anyway. And look at her two angels. Wimps. Your squad can easily restrain it. Let me do it, Corporal."

The only thing the Corporal could think of to stop the two other demons from pestering it was to acquiesce.

A little later that evening when its woman had done washing herself— when she had slipped into her sleeping wear, brushed her long golden locks of hair, and lain on her bed, Tadon manifests itself into the dimension of the humans.

Tadon was beautiful. It had a huge frame, muscles bulging from its whole body. It had tan skin, which most of the women from the area were mad about. Its face cried pity yet was engrossing to look at: bushy brows that went upward in a sorry state, thin lips that looked like they were both smiling and pouting at the same time. It had a long, thin nose slightly protruding at the tip, and prominent cheeks and strong jaws.

The woman froze upon beholding the fallen angel in its naked human form. Her eyes the color of the skies at night drew wide open; her lips parted, at once forming a grin. Tadon lay in bed with her, and not before long it was gone

The young woman would be dreary and lonely the following months, because she would not find Tadon. She would not know whom to confide that she carried a child— and neither would she know it would be half-angel.

Many other demons slept with the beautiful daughters of men. It was an attempt to infiltrate the bloodline of the human race with angelic so as to ruin the promise of a savior— a savior who had to be a man through and through.

And so there was the Nephilim: the giants— tall, beautiful men whose length of face reached up to two feet. Considered a foul play by the Satan, the Almighty met it with reprimand. He opened the springs of the ground and caused a great flood that covered the whole planet. All the Nephilim and the unrighteous people were purged from the face of the earth. The souls of the Nephilim went into the Abyss, the souls of the unrighteous into Haidees, the angels, like Tadon who slept with female humans, into Tartarus— all imprisoned till the trial of the angels concluded.

For some two thousand years, Satan attempted to annihilate the lineage of Abraham of Ur, the Hebrews, which had been chosen to bear the savior. It never succeeded, though; till the time of the Incarnation came.

No angel lazed around at other galaxies, or anywhere else in the universe. Almost the whole angelic population resided at Planet 7512, constantly warring against each other. The demons had to keep the savior from coming; but with the Almighty's precious promises, nothing was impossible. By the power of the Sacred Spirit, young virgin Miriam conceived; a child grew in her womb. She bore the baby in Bethlehem, and named Him Yahshua, which means 'Yahweh redeems,' for He would be the Messiah of the Hebrews— the savior of the whole human race.

Desperate and infuriated, the Satan possessed King Herod and killed off all the male toddlers and infants in Bethlehem; but Miriam and her husband Yosef had already escaped to Egypt and the slaughter was useless.

One can call it a game of chess, and the Satan almost had its queen consumed. It knew it had to be more aggressive now, and persevered in its goal. It stayed by Yahshua's side as often as it could, mindful of His every step— every breath. The Satan was there when Yahshua taught in the Temple as the precocious twelve-year-old; it was there when He was feeding the five thousand men and their wives and children; it was there when He was led by the Sacred Spirit into the wilderness, where His human body had been deprived of food for forty days and forty nights, and so He was hungry.

"If You are the Son of God," the Satan said, manifesting in the world of humans, "command that these stones become bread."

Yahshua answered, "It is written and forever remains written, 'Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that comes out of the mouth of Yahweh.'"

And because He would not acquiesce the Satan took Him into Yerushalem and placed Him on the top of the temple. "If You are the Son of God," it said, "throw Yourself down, for it is written, 'He will command His angels to serve and protect Him,' and 'to lift Him up on their hands, so He will not strike His foot against a stone.'"

"It is written," Yahshua said, "and will forever remain written, 'You shall not test Yahweh your Elohim.'"

Then the Satan took Yahshua up on a very high mountain and showed Him all the kingdoms of the world and the magnificence of them. "All these I will give You, if You fall down and worship me."

"Leave, the Satan!" Yahshua commanded, "for it is written and will forever remain written, 'You shall worship Yahweh Elohim and serve Him only!'"

And the Satan stopped tempting Him as holy angels came to serve Him and bring Him food.

But of course, the Satan still would not leave Him entirely. It stayed within its vicinity. It was always there. Most especially when the day of His crucifixion neared.

Yahshua had been telling His disciples of His impending death. Cephas did not like His verbal declarations and privately talked to Him and said, "May God forbid it, Master! You will not die!"

In His humanity Yahshua could not see the angels— their ferocious strife against each other; but in His divine omniscience He knew who whispered these twisted thoughts into Cephas. "Get behind Me, the Satan!" Yahshua said. He knew He had to die for He was the only man born sinless and remained sinless— the only one qualified; and nothing could stop Him from doing so.

The day came when Yahshua hung on the Cross. He gave up His own spirit at His own will, and was separated from Yahweh the Father. His spirit then descended into Haidees to proclaim victory; and in three days, after the Proclamation, returned to its physical body of hypostatic union. The angels exulted all the while the demons wailed and raged.

Death had lost its sting.

Death has lost its victory.

The Serpent had struck the heel of the seed of the woman; but the seed of the woman crushed its head.

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