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A     W H O L E   B U N C H   O F     T H A N K S     T O:

The Colonel, Pastor Jun, and Daddy, whose sermons have been invaluable to my knowledge of the angelic war.

Nayin, the whole Project NY team, and the PNY Battle judges, who made this competition possible (and fun!).

Kuya Don and Ate Kristelle, the team of line editors who helped me murder my manuscript. And Lizette (a.k.a., Twinnie), who volunteered to hunt down some typos and whatnot.

Ate Tara, my living cheat code on Self-publishing 101.

My beta readers and recommenders for this first release: Mommy, Uriah, Maine, Roy, Jade, Vaan, Xavier, Patrick, Ate Berta, Chris, Lalaking Critic, Ate Honey, Mrs. Frasure, my friends at OWA, and everyone else who shared my promotional posts on social sites.

And whoever holds this book. Thank you for pre-ordering The Angelic Conflict without hesitation. Thank you for the trust and for believing in my work. Blessings to all of you.

Last but most definitely not in any way the least, my utmost gratitude to the bright Morning Star, Yahshua the Messiah, the Savior and the Light of the universes.

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