Untitled Part 16

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THE DEMON, amidst the legions of angels both holy and fallen, took its seat in the arena of Planet 7512, which has become the civilization amphitheater for the angelic population. After the fallen angels' coup d'état attempt and trial at the Heavenly Courts, the planet had since been wrecked and uninhabitable, covered in thick black ice. The Almighty then decided to restore it to its former glory to act as the habitation for the new creature that would be created for test evidence.

The creature would be called Man, and it would be subjacent to the angels. Its intelligence and senses would be of infinitely inferior capacity. It would be imprisoned in a lower dimension— much, much lower that it would not be able to travel as angels did, nor wield power as the latter. Moreover, they would not be able to perceive the angels in their normal spirit states.

The Sacred Spirit spread His warmth over the frozen planet and the ice that covered it in whole melted.

And the Almighty said, "Let there be light!" and there was light; and He saw that it was good, and separated the created light from the absence of it. He called the light "day," and the absence of it He called "night." And there was evening, and there was morning. This was the first day of the Restoration.

And the Almighty said, "Let there be space between the waters— the melted waters of the ground, and the waters of the welkin!" And so He made the vault and separated the waters. He called what He had created "skies." And there was evening, and there was morning. This was the second day of the Restoration.

And the Almighty said, "Let the waters underneath the welkin flow towards one place, so that the dry ground may materialize." The dry ground appeared, and He called it "land," and the waters, which flowed to one place, "seas." And He saw that it was good. Then He said, "Let the land bring forth vegetation— every kind of seed-bearing plants, and fruit-bearing trees. These seeds will produce the sort of plants and trees from which they came." And what happened was exactly as He had said. The land produced vegetation: plants and trees, and their seeds according to their kinds. And He saw that it was good. And there was evening, and there was morning. This was the third day of the Restoration.

And the Almighty said, "Let there be lights in the welkin to mark the day from the night. Let there be signs of time, too— of seasons and of days and of years. Let there be lights in the welkin to shower light on the earth." And it was so. He made two great lights: the greater light, the sun, to watch over the day, and the lesser light, the moon, to watch over the night. And He saw that it was good. And there was evening, and there was morning. This was the fourth day of the Restoration.

And the Almighty said, "Let the waters be filled with fish and other life, and the welkin with birds of every kind." So He created the great creatures of the sea, every living thing that scurries and swarms in the water, as well as every sort of creature that claims the welkin— each producing offspring of their same kind. And He saw that it was good, and blessed them to be fruitful. And there was evening, and there was morning. This was the fifth day of the Restoration.

And the Almighty said, "Let the land produce all sorts of animals according to their kinds— creatures that move along and creep on the ground, as well as wild animals." And what He said came to be, and He saw that it was good.

And the Almighty said unto Himself, "Let us now create human beings according to our likeness, with a soul and a spirit; and it will reign over every other living creature on the earth: over the fishes of the sea, over the birds of the welkin, and over the creatures of the land." And so He formed a man from the dust of the ground and breathed zóé, the breath of life, into his nostrils; and Adam, the first man, became a living being with a spirit.

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