Chapter 6
---- Leo's pov ----
She was absolutely stunning.
Her black hair complimented her face greatly. I just loved everything I was learning about her.
We're now sitting on the park bench and she cuddles into me. I instantly feel heat rise to my face. Shes just so beautiful and everything she does just makes me fall even more in love with her.
I loved being here.
I was just enjoying the moment when I hear her mumble something that I make out as "shit".
I look over her shoulder to see what she's looking at, and I see the time.
' "Shit" is right.' I think to myself.
I'm gonna get beaten to a fucking pulp...
"I gotta go.." She says sadly.
"Well okay.... I guess I'll see you at school then.." I say.
'Ugh! That's all you could say?!' I think to myself angrily.
"Yeah." Is all she said as she started walking away.
Every fiber in my body was telling me to go up to her and stop her.
But one measly little fiber told me I should go home, before my beatings got worse.
So I listened to that one little fiber.
--Jade's pov--
I trudged along the sidewalk. Alone.
I hated walking home.
Especially when I know there's a beating waiting, just for me.
I was supposed I be home before 9:00. It was now 10:43.
So, great.
I really don't give a shit how many times my dad hits me. I really enjoyed spending time with Leo. It was worth getting beaten by my dad.
I see my house now. My breath hitches. If I just stand out here the beatings will be worse. I have to go NOW.
I start running to my window trying to climb into it without alerting anyone.
But that's not possible. My dad is sitting right there on my bed. Waiting for me to come home.
"Where have you been Jade?" He says getting up. "Out there whoring around again, huh?" He spat at me, slapping me on the face, knocking me back.
"No, dad. I was just taking a walk after school and I lost track of time."
I said back to him in a small voice.
He pushes me to the floor.
"NEXT TIME." He gets on top of me.
"BE." He slaps me on the face.
"HOME." Another slap.
"BY." Slap.
"EIGHT." This one was a punch..
He gets up and kicks me in the stomach two times. "Your such a horrible excuse of a daughter. I wish you were dead." He says, and then storms out of my room.
I quickly head over to my mirror and look for the cuts that will last a while. Then I see it...
There's a gash on the side of my face almost 3 inches long, pouring out blood.
That's gonna leave a nasty scar..
'Must've been from the punch' I think to myself.
Scramble around my bathroom for a rag and finally find one. I press it to my face and it eventually stops bleeding.
I sigh
This has been going on for years. My dad started beating me when my mom was murdered by some drug dealer.
I was ten when that happened. And he just lost it. He started drinking every night, and beat me when I did nothing wrong. And here I am, five years later and all this shit is just getting worse.
'I only have 7 more days...' i think to myself. 'Then I'm gone.'
You hate me.
You hate my story.
You will be at my door with pitchforks and torches....
I'm sorry my writing sucks to holy hell.

Broken (Finished)
Teen FictionJade isn't a normal girl. She is beaten, bullied, abused, and ignored by everyone in her life. Her mother is dead, her father is a drunk, and her best friend committed suicide, leaving her with no friends. She is determined to commit suicide on th...